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Thursday, August 09, 2018

Illegal Raped a Child After Release From Sanctuary City

The Department of Justice is prosecuting a previously deported illegal alien from Honduras for illegal re-entry while he is in prison for raping a small child after release by the city of Philadelphia.

Illegal alien Juan Ramon Vasquez was previously deported in May 2009 and resurfaced on the radar of U.S. authorities in May 2014 after an arrest in Philadelphia. ICE agents were unable to detain Vasquez and re-deport him, however, because he was released by the city, which has a sanctuary policy for illegal aliens.

Vasquez raped the child after his release.



  1. Way to go, Philadelphia! More blood on your hands with that sanctuary city thing.

  2. This will not help this child, but can they be sued for failure to protect, or something?

  3. Dave T: Is anyone actually surprised by this? These people have no fear of retribution or punishment for their crimes because we're treating them better than real citizens. Wake up America ! If you think this stuff is going to stop, you can forget it. People today look at the police and ICE more like criminals than the actual criminals. This is wrong on all levels!

  4. Would the Mayor and ones who authorized the release not be accessory to the crime since they did not allow ICE to pick him up from their custody?

  5. Build the wall, deport them all!

  6. Mayor should be charged with the crime and held with out bail.


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