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Thursday, August 09, 2018

A Viewer Writes: Salisbury Roundabout Update

Good afternoon Joe!! Glad to see you're having a great summer at Trader Lee's and currently an awesome week at the White Marlin Open. My question is with ALL the current train wrecks with mayor Day and the inevitable chaos coming next month has he quietly walked away from the roundabout proposal at Mill and Riverside?


  1. Great job on the white Marlin Open Joe! Funny Jake day has gone completely stealth on this proposal. I don't remember hearing any input from SHA or other entities that would need notification. I wonder if douchebag Day got the same response from the electric company on this that he did with the amphitheatre? I know damn well he didn't use common sense and stopped planning

  2. Trust me when I say if he had, be glad and thankful, round-a-bouts don't solve anything in regards to this city... It only works well in situations like over by Walmart in Fruitland... It doesn't and won't work at the new ROFO and wor-wic location and it won't work in the riverside area... The reason why wor-wic location won't work is becasue it is not but 50 feet or so away from a damn stop light, so people will stack in the round-a-bout until the light turns green and it is not green for long...


  3. He'll get back to it roundabout!

    Alongside the drowndabout would have been an excellent site for his amphitheater since it could fit on the outside curve and provide continuous entertainment.

  4. Funny I was thinking about this today while coming up Riverside. There's NO way this would be anytgany less than a disaster

  5. Boy I hope so that is a stupid idea I am at that intersection three times a day and never have any issues

  6. Keeping our public going around in circles, i,e,, the Roundabout does not make them dizzy enough to vote for you again.

  7. You guys obviously haven't been paying attention.

    Douche Bag Day is trying to get a roundabout in front of the Board of Education at 5 points where East Main, Mt. Hermon Road, Truitt Street, etc. meet near the old Grants Texaco.

    Why hasn't anyone been discussing that.


    Proposed Roundabout for Wicomico County Intersection
    Posted: Jul 20, 2018 7:12 PM
    Updated: Jul 20, 2018 7:18 PM EDT
    By Erin Tyszko

    SALISBURY, Md. - There is a intersection in Salisbury off Route 50 that has several roads leading into it and 12 traffic lights regulating it.

    Mount Hermon Road, Long Avenue, Truitt Street, East Williams Street, and Main Street all intersect at one central location.

    People in the community have mixed feelings about the intersection. Some say it should be left alone because it regulates traffic just fine while others say it is a nuisance.

    Ashley Hawk is a resident in the area and she said the intersection often interrupts her travels.

    "You can't make a right on red. It's very difficult to make a left when you are on Main Street trying to turn on Mt. Hermon," Hawk said "Often times you will sit there through a whole green light before you can make that left."

    There was a proposed idea to put in a single lane roundbabout at that intersection but it was stalled. It would have been similar to the one in Fruitland to regulate traffic but it wasn't seen as a priority.

    Hawk agreed that the roundabout is a good idea.

    "To keep everything going, no one would be sitting and waiting, it would keep the flow," Hawk said.

    However residents like Jennifer Underwood said she thinks the intersection should stay the way it is.

    "I think the intersection is fine the way it is. The lights regulate traffic, I mean sometimes you have to wait a little but iv'e never seen an accident,' Underwood said.

    Mike Niederhauser, Roundabout Coordinator with the Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration said roundabouts are proven to be safer than signaled intersections if they are properly designed.

    Niederhauser said roundabouts lower the speed of cars and they keep traffic moving.

    According to the Maryland State Highway Administration 4,441 cars pass through that intersection daily. There are about 1.6 million that pass through each year.

    Currently this isn't a priority for the city or the state.

    However, the city's top priority is to install one near downtown Salisbury.

  8. I can’t say the riverside one will work, cause I don’t think it would, however I am all for there being one on mt hermon, you wait a long time for one car, not much traffic flow, needs something different


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