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Sunday, August 12, 2018

H20i Does't Care What Ocean City Maryland Officials Say, They're Coming Back


  1. I think this is hilarious! I mean, do the OC Elites, really think they can block a certain group of people from the town? Sure they are obnoxious, rude and loud, but so are people from NJ, NY and PA. From what I have been hearing, OC is hurting this summer, best not to deflect anyone coming to spend money on the island.

  2. What's not to like? A ten mile dragstrip, alcohol, drugs and a convenient location.

  3. Well 12:07 I am sure the OC Nazis can come up with a few of not what to like, kind of like what you did, get the hint?

  4. And that's when all of the roadway work in town needs to happen.

  5. Stupid kids - all anyone with a brain would need to do would be to check hotel listings - after that, expect single lane traffic the whole length of the strip - stiff fines and points will be the norm and these kids will then whine all over social media how they were mistreated .... if you go an look at the event pages they are all bragging how they will take over the town, that OCPD can’t stop them, etc ..... I personally think it’s going to be a mess and I am not going near oc that week - not worth the trouble

    1. Are you mad those kids have nicer cars than yours? Sounds like it..... really tho cost more than your house?

    2. How stupid can you be?? Just like flushing money down toilet. Yea no need to spend that money on education or something positive

    3. All three of my vehicles are paid for, any one of which will surpass the entire wages of any of those pink kids, as is my condo and home in West OC- as for how stupid can I be, know those kids don’t put any money into the economy beyond the hotels, which they are also destroying - both of you can go suck and egg, eat a tide pod, or whatever it is the millennial a do these days


  7. This is going to be great! They obviously didn't get the town's message. All of us who detest those little punks will thoroughly enjoy watching them get schooled by the OCPD.

  8. Brock is obviously not thinking. Come on down and see what happens next, moron.

  9. I can pretty much assure you that it will be a much gentler 'convention'.
    I'm also pretty sure this will be the last one in OC.
    Higher fines; more stringent enforcement, etc.
    But what will REALLY cool their heels is the possible planned checkpoint outside of town to make sure the cars have no illegal/unsafe equipment. If they do, the car will be impounded. Not drivable. THAT is something that they do not want to happen!
    OC welcomes all conventions, and the 1st rule is to not be an idiot, but if your group is going to act like jack*sses, so can the OCPD.
    Come to OC - obey the rules - show off your car - have fun! If you do, the town may even invite you back.
    (Look at the success of Bike Week!)

  10. Well Rickie, since this has ALWAYS been a non-sponsored OC non-function (but the city enjoyed the revenue) - what are you gonna do now??? Pray for rain AGAIN???

    The more negative connotations that get spewed about this "non-event", the worse the hole gets that the city dugs itself YEARS ago.

    Should have partnered with them 3 years ago when you had the chance! Ever heard of keeping your friends close, but self-projected enemies closer?

    Good Luck to ya!

  11. Set them up with a Jersey barrier road course at a large parking lot and have similar events at the local drag strips. They will blow up and wreck half of their cars and be a boon to the towing industry here. AND, they have to pay admission price to do it!

  12. little rice burners and kraut cars -who cares

  13. A 3 inch temporary speed bump would end most of these cars getting across the inlet or 90 bridge.

  14. Like any other event in Ocean City, Police and Sheriffs Departments can handle it! Get the spike strips ready, arrest and impound some vehicles they will figure the rules out soon enough!!!!

  15. 2:04 PM - except that you forget about the lawsuits.

  16. Like Pink Floyd said Leave them kids alone.

  17. I’m amazed at all you morons turning away commerce/money. They bring it and spend it like crazy. O.C. Is a tourist trap, exactly why it’s there.

  18. Frigging comical. As usual the MD libtards shooting themselves in the foot again!! Get over it, you OC locals and come heres, suck it up! Consider yourselves LUCKY they even want to come to your craphole city.

  19. Hey 5:53...
    Obviously you know nothing about this "tourist trap" town.
    It's a RESORT town, first of all. Just like Orlando is, or Outer Banks, or anyplace you go that has more than three hotels.
    Secondly: "...amazed at all you morons turning away commerce/money."
    If groups like this are permitted/allowed to go crazy while at the beach, the resulting loss in revenue to good people (and yes, FAMILIES) would be MUCH more than what the H20i kids could ever spend in this town.
    We're not "turning away money" - we're protecting the investment.
    You moron.

  20. Tell the rude people from New Jersey, Pennsylvania and New York to stay home. I don't like dumb kids doing dumb things in cars but I really can't stand adults with piss poor manners acting as if we owe them something because they showed up where they are not wanted.

  21. For all you morons who think oc is a so called tourist trap, F*** you!! It might be today but when that town originated it was a family resort. My family went there yearly from the 60's up until the 90's then all the bullshit started showing up and the so called leaders and the backroom politics took over. Now OC is a cesspool and direct reflection of our society

  22. 1115am....from May until the end of August. The rest of the time our town is fine/dandy! The lack of corporate partnership with major business and City Hall has cost this town over the last 15 years. Building like there's no tomorrow and sky rocket rates have pushed away those family friendly relationships from long ago. Families are going elsewhere, like the Outer Banks, Ocean Isle, Sunset Beach and the Myrtle areas. They ALSO are going north to Bethany, Dewey and Rehobeth, where you can move about freely without hassle/crowds. OC shot itself by over building and people are going elsewhere. What you have left is the rest of society enjoying themselves without a care in the world how they leave their vacation spot.

    May-end of August is the traditional awful season - but if things continue like they have, mid week during this timeframe has become palatable! Then again, many of us continue to utilize the bayside for fun since vacationers don't have boats!

    Need turnover in City Hall - the mindset is ancient!

  23. 12:09:
    I respect your opinion, but I have to tell you that except for a few very minor changes in your words, what you say is pretty much dead-on to what I remember my dad saying in the 60's. (He hated the hippies. "They will close up Ocean City!")
    The town in the summer is not for everyone. But it IS something for the masses of people that do come here on vacation. 225,00 people a day (on average) can't ALL be wrong!
    The more things change - the more they stay the same.
    OC will survive....

  24. They can't be any worse than the self righteous Sea Gull Century parrot looking clowns. We always left town when those fools showed up in Salisbury. Then we got smart and just left Salisbury period.

  25. Those 800 dollar fines might change their minds.


  27. 11:49 Where were you 20 years ago when you could have protected your investment? O.C. Is gone. Everything below Seacrets is ghetto. Really ghetto. The boards are just dangerous after 9pm. It may be a family resort but it’s for every slumdog neighborhood and or trailer park in the Mid Atlantic. I make no apologies, I’m there every day and decent people are few and far between. OC brings a majority low class, tattooed, foul mouthed, foul mooded, inner city dirty, unbecoming group of people. The H2O crowd is a step up! Lol
    The speed limit in OC in season should be 25mph from the inlet to the Delaware line, period. For many reasons.

  28. I love that the locals will tolerate money launderers with filthy t-shirts hanging for everyone to see, bars every 200 feet, topless beach goers, spray paint fumes, strippers, and dirty BO stinking costumed characters on every block but they draw the line at some kids coming to show off their cars and have fun at the beach for 1 week. When these kids get older they will have the kind of money the hot rodders spend in OC and they will remember how they were treated.

  29. Tell me the last time OC was prepared for any off season activity (Spring or Fall) with law enforcement officials?

    Psst - NEVER is the actual answer!

  30. Thank you Ricky, are you happy with today's town? I hope those sunsations and insider kickbacks were worth it.

  31. 7:27 So true. The Mare cares about one thing, himself. Mark my words, when this all comes crashing down, he'll be retired and headed south

  32. Dear Readers,

    I predict that the local law enforcement agencies along with the appropriate resources will demonstrate a different level of engagement should this 'event' occur. While OC is certainly welcoming of law abiding individuals, those foolish enough to test the limits of tolerance will regret their actions. Having resided in OC for quite some time, I expect to be tolerant of motorized events (along with all others) as this is part of living in a resort town. To those commentators who repeatedly bring up the opportunity for the resort to make money (and calling them foolish along with other terms), please note that a great many hotel rooms were significantly damaged, there were a number of 'domestic' incidents in rental properties that weekend, and in short the bit of money made was recycled back into many properties to attend to issues caused by our 'visitors'. The general lawlessness witnessed by the area was far and above anything I have ever noted, and I anticipate a level of response by law enforcement that will easily match any issues presented.




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