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Sunday, August 12, 2018

A Viewer Writes: More "Democrats" putting their Campaign signs on right of ways without permission

This is at the U.S. Post Office on Rt. 50. Ironically next to a vacant rental on the corner of Naylor Street belonging to John Cannon who may have to maintain it.

Publishers Notes: This home is owned by none other than Wicomico County Council President John Cannon.


  1. Of course cannom owns it! Just look at the shape it's in

  2. Cannon knows that Heath will be his tool if elected as county executive, which begs the question, do we really want county council president for life John Cannon and mayor for life Jake Day in control of the entire county?

  3. clean the swamp this election

  4. hail no, to answer your question 6:42

  5. never seen so darn many slumlords in a town of this size!

  6. Is the grass area between the road and sidewalk the land owners property?
    I don't think so , if this is city or county property the need permission to place the signage .

  7. Looks like the work of Carl Anderton and Bunky

  8. What an eyesore that property is. You would think the council president of all people would keep his properties looking nice so are a benefit to a neighborhood. But I get it. He's just another in a long line of backward unsophisticated "shorebillies" who contribute to the decline of Salisbury and a lot of the county.

  9. The Cannons have owned this rental property for so long that the last sale date doesn't appear on state records. The property includes the area to the street. They lease ($$) a small part of it to the USPS for the sign on the corner. The post office does not own any of the lot. The address is 113 Naylor Street. It's assessed (land and building) at $23,000.

  10. It was bought in the 1960s for about $2000. It's been a low end cash cow ever since.

  11. Listen people, if you think you can do my job better than me, step right up and challenge me! I am fit and ready for a challenge. I hit the gym 2-3x a week. That's what I thought-- that's why I am running unapposed. Now shut the HELL up.

    1. Are you kidding? Whees the challenge main Street gym, 3 two min rounds?? I'll .Take that challenge pussy. You aren't doing anything else in Annapolis you should be in shape

    2. Ur a punk ass.

  12. Fine the candidate for trespassing!

  13. Really Carl if someone calls you out you're telling them to shut the hell up!
    It's no wonder they refer to you as 'Cornpone' in Annapolis. And if you do go to the gym 2-3 times a week you aren't getting your monies worth.

  14. You wonder why cannon stays active with county council. He has a whole portfolio of run down rentals like this. His dad never spent money on this trash. Any other landlord would have been run outta town

    1. Where are the county FINES on slumlord cannon ?.

  15. You let me Know Anderton!! I'll forward my phone number and ALL contact info you will need to Joe. I'll take that challenge if you think your in shape. If you take the tampon out long enough I'd love to teach you a little respect and humility. If you want bring fairy dust boy Day with you. I'll do whatever you young pussies can handle, 3 two minute rounds or 3 three minute rounds all to run consecutively.

  16. Mr. Anderton , it would have shown much more
    Class, had you ignored the comment.!

  17. Anonymous said...
    Of course cannom owns it! Just look at the shape it's in

    August 9, 2018 at 6:33 AM

    It's a ragged slum isn't it.

    Typical Slum Lord John Cannon is. Don't know if his dad was that bad, but he was a Democrat.

  18. Anonymous said...
    Cannon knows that Heath will be his tool if elected as county executive, which begs the question, do we really want county council president for life John Cannon and mayor for life Jake Day in control of the entire county?

    August 9, 2018 at 6:42 AM

    I personally fault Marc Kilmer for allowing John Cannon to be the council president for life. When that boondoggle started to be most noticeable I asked a friend on the council WTH is going on and he said that Kilmer renegged on a commitment for another person to be the council president. What I found sad was the fact that it was supposed to have been agreed upon up until the last minute and it changed. The sad part was Mrs. John Hall attended to see her husband sworn in and then found out the bad news and left in shame. I've lost respect for Kilmer and some others for allowing that to happen.

  19. Carl Anderton Jr. said...
    Listen people, if you think you can do my job better than me, step right up and challenge me! I am fit and ready for a challenge. I hit the gym 2-3x a week. That's what I thought-- that's why I am running unapposed. Now shut the HELL up.

    August 9, 2018 at 9:59 AM

    Ms. Carl,

    Could you please refrain from running your mouth here. Bob Culver will spank you and do it again in 2022. By then you won't have any friends left other that Douche Bag Day and Lover Lips Jim Liarton. Oh, I almost forgot about Turncoat Jackie Welfonder with Molly as her new best friend.

  20. Look at that nasty house and it looks vacant. I think the Code Enforcement Department needs to do a random home inspection on it like they did mine.

  21. Bob Cannon Sr was an absolute hoader and cheap skate. The Cannon's amassed millions by never putting money into the trash the call housing. John Cannon and his butthole sister should be forced to live six months in the garbage they rent. There has to be something to it when cannoCan twin Bob distanced himself from the damfam extortion business

  22. Well, well, well we have a bunch of jobonis on here who likes to run there mouth but don't even leave a name. Cornpone? Real funny, numnuts, but I think that was ur nickname in the joint when you took it in the stinkstar. Just one of my name-brand athletic wear outfits with the $98.50 shoes costs more than you make in a week. So word to your mother...

    1. Please do tell numb nuts!! I thought the salary for house of delgadel was around 50g year?? Please enlighten us on where/how you're making all this money to so boldly brag online about. You wouldn't be doing any of the infamous back room deals would you?? Are gilliss and cannon already greasing your palms

  23. Carl Anderton I waited ALL weekend long for some sort of response to your challenge, NOTHING!! My offer still stands for you and your family dust partner Jakey Day. If you boys think you're so tough and in shape, RESPOND. I'll gladly forward my contact information and we can do this. Honestly I could use the chance to knock you boys down a few notches. Each of you do three 2 or 3 minute rounds to my six. Come on tough guy let your stones finally drop and back up all the bullshit you two spew

  24. Are those really comments from one of our elected officials? My, my. If that is indeed you Mr Anderton you are an embarrassment

  25. Sounds like Carl need to hire a bodyguard to escort him around town.

  26. Anderton you're way to pretty to be going to prison. So if I were you I wouldn't be bragging about all this money you make. From what I gather you were a parts employee at Barr to delegate?? What was that a jump from 35,000 to 50,000??

  27. Anonymous said...
    Anderton you're way to pretty to be going to prison. So if I were you I wouldn't be bragging about all this money you make. From what I gather you were a parts employee at Barr to delegate?? What was that a jump from 35,000 to 50,000??

    August 13, 2018 at 4:26 AM


    Truth!! Then Barr International fired his ass!

  28. I think that you have all been sucked in by a troll who made comments using Anderton's name. Any guesses who spells that badly and likes to bash this site?


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