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Thursday, August 02, 2018

Controversial law awards husband $8.8M from wife's lover

DURHAM, N.C. — A North Carolina man says he feels vindicated after winning an almost $9 million judgment against his wife's lover.

According to WRAL, Keith King married Danielle in 2010. In 2015, King said he found flirtatious texts between her and Francisco Huizar III after they met on a business trip.

"My marriage was murdered," King said. "It was destroyed."

After trying to repair the marriage for the sake of their 5-year-old daughter, King learned from a friend about North Carolina's alienation of affection law. In 2017, he sued Huizar for criminal conversation and alienation of affection.

"I was like, 'Wait a minute, are you serious? You can sue the person that destroyed your marriage?'" King said. "She said, 'Absolutely.'"

Last week, a judge ruled in King's favor, saying Huizar owes him $8.8 million.



  1. Good for him. This should be the law in all 50 states. Cheaters deserve this.

  2. Why not the same from the wife ? It takes two 2 tango.

  3. Good luck collecting a dime of that.

  4. Does community property law give her half in the divorce settlement?

  5. His lawyer says, "Gimme $2.7 million".

  6. Yeah but from who and from where? Awarding people vast sums of money when they probably don't have a pot to pee in or a window to throw it out makes no sense. Might send a message but you can't put words in the bank.


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