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Thursday, August 02, 2018

Breaking News: Pope Francis declared the death penalty inadmissible in all cases, shifting Roman Catholic teachings on the issue.

Pope Francis, who previously spoke out against capital punishment — including in 2015 in an address to Congress — added the change to the Catechism of the Catholic Church — the compendium of Roman Catholic beliefs.

He said the church would work “with determination” for the abolition of capital punishment worldwide.


  1. So it's ok for ISIS to kill Christians ? Great SMH.

    1. This is what you took away from this article? Wow!

  2. Dave T: I'm a Roman Catholic, and I try to be faithful, but I do and will favor capital punishment whether the Pope is for it or not.

  3. Start out with abortion! It's comparable to a lynching! That's capital punishment to a baby without a trial.

  4. It's the only way in some cases.

  5. I love how so called democratic Christians go to church every week but believe in abortion ? You Will answer to GOD soon.Hypocrites.

  6. First off the pope can not just change the catholic catechism on his own. He needs to have a magisterium of the church, hence a majority of cardinals to agree with him on the changing of church teaching otherwise it means nothing.
    Now francis if he hasn't already will shortly have appointed a majority of cardinals who will of course share his same liberal bias.
    If one follows what francis is teaching there is no difference between being a devout catholic and any other religion earth, which kind of makes him irrelevant!

    Many catholic prophecies speak of smoke within the church, and the falling away of many of the faithful. This pope has done more to undermine the church then anyone ever could from the outside! Interesting times!

    I always wondered why McCarrick of DC (abuser) would never excommunicate the liberal dems pelosi, kerry, kennedy for taking their stance on killing the unborn! now I know why.

    I will follow my faith, not the pharisees who try to lead me astray!

  7. I think the Pope is spot on. If murder is wrong, then is it wrong. Period, hard stop. There are no special exceptions. Capital Punishment is premeditated murder.

    On the abortion part that somehow crept up here:

    What has happened to nuance?

    I can not support abortion, but still support a woman's right to bodily autonomy.

    No one can force you to donate a kidney to save someone else's life, because you have the right to choose what does or doesn't happen to your body. Just as, no one can compel a woman to carry a fetus to term. You cannot FORCE someone to do something with their body that can have major ramifications for their body, including complications in child birth or death.

    Admitting that, I still don't support abortion, but I would not stop a woman exercising her right to her bodily autonomy.

    1. Is democratic Abortion wrong ????

  8. They should fund the cost of prisons then. What ever happen to an eye for an eye?

  9. @12:15

    What ever happened to turn the other cheek... or forgiving seven times seventy?

    I'll tell you what happened though... an eye for an eye makes the entire world blind.


  10. The Pope is misguided on this point. Humans are tough customers on each other. Some murderers reform while imprisoned; most don't.

    We either cage them or permit them to prey on society again at some point. Tough to find a penal colony island to send them to. Execution is the proper remedy for many of these sociopaths.

    BTW, cradle Catholic.

  11. 11:43 and there in lies the rub! any learned person would tell you it all comes down to innocent life.
    the murderer on death row is not innocent so should be dealt with accordingly. the unborn have committed no crime hence they are innocent.

    Many prophecies speak of a time when good shall be called bad and bad shall be called good.

    God has a plan and it will come to fruition!

    Francis is merely a tool! literally and figuratively!

  12. @3:34 pm

    Where your argument breaks down is classifying a fetus as innocent life.

    In the third trimester I think you would have a solid case for this. This is why almost everywhere third trimester abortions are extremely rare and only happen in extreme cases... i.e. the fetus is all dead, it is deadly to the mother.. etc etc

    But before such time, the fetus is not viable life, it resembles more of a parasitic accumulation cells. You will be hard pressed to call this "life", and I think that is the sticking point.


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