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Thursday, August 02, 2018

Condoms are not reusable, CDC reminds Americans

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are reminding everyone to remember best practices when it comes to safe sex: Condoms aren’t meant to be washed or reused.

“We say it because people do it,” the CDC tweeted last week. The organization is part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
Condoms are designed to be single use and can reduce the risk of sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV.

For more information, visit the CDC’s website.



  1. I just lost my breakfast. Thanks.

  2. Just turn them inside out.

  3. Nancy Pelosi's dad needed one of these...

  4. Isn't the fact that you shouldn't reuse a condom one of those implied bits of knowledge that everyone should be able to figure out on their own? I didn't realize reusing condoms was a thing. Some things I have done with a used condom are as follows: Thrown them against the wall to see if they stick, put them in the trash, flushed down the toilet, opened the car window and released them to nature, hid them under a woman's bed, put them on car antennas and many other disposal methods. Never have I thought to wash one and reuse it.

  5. I was dating girl about 30 years ago and her mother would wash out the Baggies and reuse them.


  6. Top rack of dishwasher; works for other ballcaps!

  7. Sure they are kids.... just turn them inside out.... lmao eatting tide pods, confused about bathrooms and now having to reuse condoms? This generation is so screwed

  8. Just think, earlier this summer kids were snorting used condoms for fun.

  9. This is WHY we have so many Stupid Snowflake millinialls


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