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Thursday, August 02, 2018

America Has Millions Of Millennial Brats That Need To Move Away From Mommy And Daddy And Start Acting Like Adults

Because our young people are not getting out on their own, a lot fewer of them are getting married and having children.

If young adults are America’s future, then they better get their act together.

Today, over 30 percent of 18 to 34-year-olds live with their parents or other family members. Meanwhile, marriage rates and fertility rates in the United States have both hit record lows in recent years. Instead of coddling these self-absorbed Millennial narcissists well into their adult years, we need to be kicking them out of the nest and encouraging them to learn to fend for themselves. In many instances, if they do not learn how to act like adults by the time they are 35, they never will. It is time for parents all over America to exercise some tough love, because we are facing a major national crisis.

If you go all the way back to the mid-1970s, well over half of all 18 to 34-year-olds were already married and lived with their new spouse in their new households.



  1. Maybe we have evolved past traditional old values. In the 70's women didn't NEED to work for the family to be middle class. But now they do. The whole dynamics of a traditional lifestyle and finances of the 70's have changed.

    Stop telling me how I need to live to meet your expectations. Its my life, not yours.

    1. Hey 1046, maybe you need to be a productive member of society. I'm 38 years old and I have a full-time job and run a business as well. I have had my own house since I was 26. I was working three jobs then. No one is telling you how to live your life they're just telling you get off the teet and stop being a leech and start supporting yourself. If you want something you go get it that is what this life is about. People who work hard are rewarded people who do not get what they put in which is nothing.

  2. Mom's and Dad's: turn off your Wi-Fi and stop paying their cell phone bill.
    They'll leave.

  3. My kids are still living with me. My oldest has a degree and is working full time, but a lot of the apartments out there go for around 1200 per month.

    When you only make 15 per hour and you have a car payment and a college loan to pay back, there is no way either one can afford to go it on their own. You need more than one income.

    When I was 22, I moved out, but at that time, back in the eighties, an apartment only cost 350 per month. I could earn that in one week and still pay my car payment and utilities.

    I still worked an additional part time job on the weekends for spending money. I'm fine with them still living at home.

    I tell them to save as much as they can. I disagree with the article. There are many hard working young people out there who just don't make enough to afford to go it on their own.

    1. Wow $15 and went to college soooooo sad. On the other hand my child moved out at 18yo making $11 and made out just fine. Has a car home and a $16+ hour job now at 24yo maybe lower your high standards until your child can learn increase them himself or herself we use to call that personal responsibility. Plus didn't use any government just worked very hard to get were they are and now understands what it takes to make it. Mom and Dad are not going to be around forever I want the opportunity to live with them when they're 40 don't want them living with me until they're 40 not that I'll do it but would at least like that option LOL

  4. Send them to Iran since that's who they love.

  5. Liberal cities and towns have more than a good share of those who never got it together, many of whom join to complain about their lot in life and put the blame on everyone but themselves.

  6. My kids stayed until 25 and 26. They paid off two cars, one student loan and left with savings in their pockets. Eight years later, they own three houses (one paid off) and have well paying working class jobs that won't go away even if the economy tanks. Living at home well into their twenties made a huge difference in how things turned out for them.

  7. Maybe it is a good thing that they won't be popping out a bunch of kids--they would raise them as little liberals that grow up to be BIG liberals....just saying!

  8. Less babies means less population means less revenue for the country.

    Hmmm, I'm smelling amnesty in the future - to bolster our population.

    God help us all!


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