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Thursday, August 09, 2018

Christian Student Group Sues University for Rejecting It as Official Club

After expelling several religion-based student groups from campus for “discrimination,” the University of Iowa is being sued for religious discrimination.

The University of Iowa chapter of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship/USA was one of the student clubs kicked off campus for not conforming to a university rule that clubs must eliminate a faith-based precondition to serve in leadership.

InterVarsity Christian Fellowship consulted the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty, a nonprofit legal group, and sued the university Monday for violating its First Amendment rights.

The lawsuit states that on June 1, the university “abruptly emailed InterVarsity’s student leaders and instructed them that they had until June 15 to change their leadership-selection practices or be de-registered.”

The group responded by “emphasizing the importance of having Christian leadership” for the Christian club, the lawsuit says, but the school rebuffed it.



  1. Well, while the university can make it's own rules about clubs... this is just wrong.

    As an Atheist, I say this is wrong, and actually is abhorrent and abominable.

    The university didn't target Christians specifically, but also did the same to Muslim and Sikh student groups.

    Universities should be celebrating our rights, and our differences, giving people the opportunities to hear and see differing ideas... this is just wrong... and the rule seems to be targeted at religious groups specifically.

    Imagine the absurdity of an Atheist group being allowed as there wouldn't be a faith claim by their very nature, and not allowing a religious one because by their very nature there would necessarily be one.

    This is just intellectual dishonesty by the University.

    I don't see how requiring a faith statement in a leadership role in a religious group is discriminatory in any way.

  2. All because they wont back down to the new age luciferian ideals! Why would a true Christian group want a openly gay leader? You see they have watered down allot of churches to accept this lie and deception. Some however stand there ground and hold firm. We dont hate these people just dont accept the behavior. How can we judge when we are all sinners
    seeking forgiveness.

    2 Timothy 4:3-4 KJV
    For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; [4] And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.


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