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Friday, August 03, 2018

Bermuda Triangle mystery 'solved,' scientists claim

British scientists believe 100ft ‘rogue’ waves could be the reason why so many boats have been sunk in the mysterious Bermuda Triangle.

The infamous body of water in the western part of the North Atlantic Ocean stretches 700,000 square km (270,271 square miles) between Florida, Bermuda and Puerto-Rico.

Also known as the Devil’s Triangle, the area features multiple shipping lanes and has claimed over 1,000 lives in the last 100 years.

But experts at the University of Southampton believe the mystery can be explained by a natural phenomenon known as “rogue waves.”

Appearing on Channel 5 documentary “The Bermuda Triangle Enigma,” the scientists use indoor simulators to re-create the monster water surges.



  1. I say bull, what about the planes? Waves hit them too.

  2. I guess all the planes that went down in the triangle were flying to low and got swamped by those tall waves.

  3. That explanation works for boats, but airplanes aren't affected by waves.

  4. So how does that explain what happens to airplanes?

  5. ok. what about the planes ?

  6. 10:45
    Thank you

    The US Military protects the area and doesn’t want to admit how many have been killed using secret technology weapons.

  7. It could if they were flying at 90 ft!

  8. A hundred foot wave would also account for the aircraft gone missing in the area.
    You'd think that a contemporary boat or ship about to encounter a hundred foot wave would radio an SOS or a warning to someone.

  9. Reported from he liberal University of liberal thinking , you just can't fix stupid , you right about the aircraft 11:03. "Enigma" not , maybe "inema" .

  10. Humorous article. No doubt they got their grant money renewed.

    11:03, So aircraft flying thousands of feet above the ocean are taken
    out by a hundred foot wave???

  11. Does anything wash up on shore from these disappearances?

  12. A few years back, during a hurricane, our cruise ship went through that area (border of Caribbean and Atlantic) just as the storm passed.
    In the middle of the night, our ship pitched forward so violently, I slipped forward in bed by at least a foot. I can't imagine how big that wave was that made a 700 foot ship move that much.

  13. Magnectic disruptions and extreme deadly weather conditions are experienced when enocountering these freak storms in flight. These sudden extreme storms not only affect the sea state but also the Atmosphere, surface,
    and air. Pilots get lost Disoriented or experience some other Catastrophic system failure due to the extreme weather. And go down or run out of fuel. encountering problems such as Micro bursts, lighting, hurricaine level winds changes, Torrential rains has been reported during these freak and extreme suddden storms. Maybe High altitude tornados? We are just begining to understand the magnutude of these type of storms power and effect

  14. You are in the Twi-light zone


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