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Sunday, August 12, 2018

Abortion Accounts for 61% of Black Deaths in America

Induced abortion is the leading cause of death in the United States and accounts for a disturbing 61 percent of deaths of African Americans, according to researchers from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte.

A report Thursday analyzed research using data from the latest year for which all the pertinent information is available (2009) and found that induced abortion was responsible for 1.152 million deaths, making it the number one cause of death in the U.S. at nearly twice the number of deaths from heart disease (599,413) and cancer (567,628).

While abortion accounted for nearly a third of all U.S. deaths in 2009 (32.1 percent), more troubling still, it made up 61.1 percent of African American deaths, according to the study published in the Open Journal of Preventive Medicine (June 2016).

The ongoing disparity of black deaths through abortion has led one leading black pastor to recently decry the “black genocide” taking place in the United States at the hands of the abortion industry.

In his July essay, the Rev. Clenard Childress, Jr. noted that 52 percent of all African American pregnancies end in abortion and that whereas abortion is the most common operation performed on women, it is also “the least regulated medical procedure” and is often “completely ignored by health regulation enforcement.”

More here


  1. Great, like we need more of them.

  2. Planned Parenthood the largest abortion mill in the world was founded by Margaret Sanger. She founded Planned Parenthood for the sole purpose of the extermination of the black race.
    She hated blacks.
    What's amazing is the reaction to Confederate flags and the non reaction to not only Planned Parenthood itself but the fact that federal funds are given to an organization founded on not only the hatred of blacks but the legal killing of blacks.
    I imagine since the democrat party has historically and still to this day keep blacks chained up they are not aware of this fact.

  3. Genocide? The women have to voluntarily walk into the clinic and ask for an abortion.. They are eliminating their own race.

    1. Not fast enough

    2. Good.
      Republicans should stay out of it

  4. So do black lives really matter? This is the problem they should be addressing.

  5. Abortion, considering the poverty and vulnerability of a preponderance of black women, and the absence of black fathers once the news is sprung (if it ever is) is not an unexpected event. It's not unique to the races.
    If you knew that the father of your fetus was a no-good, disappearing serial and responsible-free insemination machine, what, as that inseminated woman would you do?

  6. Free birth control (yes, free to them, payed for by the taxpayer) is waaaay cheaper than welfare, food stamps, housing vouchers, and WIC!

    Give them the pill and condoms...take away extra money for add-on children!

  7. 2:36 - How about better choices from the beginning? In life when I make bad choices I do not kill those around me.

  8. Here is a thought - after they have applied for welfare because they couldn't afford their first child, that then gives the state the right to sterilize the woman! Period! If taxpayers have to pay for your child then you should not be able to have anymore. Taxpayers get a break, no abortions, no overpopulation, and people may actually take care of their children then!

  9. $1 condom or $1000 abortion, only in bizarro progressive world does that make sense.

  10. Keep up the good work.AA.

  11. 20 hrs of work for welfare just like what Bush and Clinton's did.

  12. 431
    You are on the wrong thread.
    This article is about abortion.

    I believe abortion is murder.
    I definitely do not believe public money should be used for abortion.

  13. Mandatory sterilization following second state funded abortion; can't stop poppin''em out gotta put a cork in it.

  14. Welcome to the jungle

  15. Read the above comments and ask yourself why African Americans don’t feel welcomed to the Republican Party. Scratch your pointed heads and wonder why they continue to vote Democrat

  16. so, what is the second leading cause of death for blacks? I don`t know but i`m going to take an educated guess and say it`s black on black crime, blacks killing blacks.This isn`t racial genocide, this is racial suicide. they are exterminating their own race.


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