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Sunday, August 12, 2018

A Viewer Writes: Salisbury Maryland Folk Festival

Folk Festival is getting so desperate for visitors, they’re now advertising to Latino community:

(also notice how many times they are hyping it’s FREE!)


Un gran festival americano viene a la histórica península de Delmarva.

Comienza a hacer planes para acompañarnos en Salisbury, Maryland durante el Festival Folclórico Nacional (National Folk Festival) —Una de las celebraciones de arte, cultura y patrimonio cultural más grandes, prestigiosas y longevas en los Estados Unidos.
Un evento de gran escala gratuito de 3 días a la intemperie, el Festival Folclórico Nacional celebra las raíces, riqueza y variedad de la cultura americana. El festival ofrece más de 350 de los mejores músicos y bailarines tradicionales, artesanos, y otros guardianes de la cultura en interpretación, talleres, y demonstraciones, además de actividades para los niños, deliciosa cocina étnica y regional, y cerveza artesanal, baile participativo, cuenta cuentos, desfiles y mucho más.

Lo mejor de todo ¡Es gratis!


  1. Random viewer is clearly white

    1. 1242 is obviously a illegal alien

  2. At the OC Tourist Center the flyer stated 350 performers.
    There are not that many listed on the website there are only 36 listed.

  3. You think the young blacks in Salisbury prey on the illegals now wait until this clusterf*** unfolds. Hell they won't have to get the local prostitutes to set them up salisbury is talking them into volunteering to get jacked


  4. No dinero? No problema.

  5. How do you say "Get out of Salisbury before dark" in Spanish?

  6. lollollollollol and can't stop.

  7. Just persuaded to not attend this Festival. This is the final nail in the coffin. Gangs, drug dealers and now illegals. HELL NO.

  8. Hispanic and thugs on the outskirts waiting too Rob ya.

  9. Anonymous said...
    Random viewer is clearly white

    August 7, 2018 at 12:42 PM

    How can you clearly say that because you are clearly WRONG!

  10. Anonymous said...
    1242 is obviously a illegal alien

    August 7, 2018 at 3:58 PM

    Love IT!! Go Home Douche Bag ILLEGAL ALIENS!!

  11. Anonymous said...
    Kero taco Bell.

    August 7, 2018 at 3:59 PM

    Do you mean 'Yo quiero Taco Bell?'

  12. If you have to post a begathon in Spanish because someone can't speak English then something is telling me that Salisbury is a Sanctuary City of Illegal Aliens.

  13. If you can't speak English then you don't belong in my city or my country.

  14. Sad but true salisbury is a sanctuary City. But don't get it twisted wicomico county as a whole, it'll never happen. There's alot of us that are just waiting for the rug to get pulled out from under Jake day and his daycare called city government. They literally have the maturity and mindset of college freshman at best

  15. Man I just watched a recording of the city council meeting from August 6 about the folk festival and it sounds as though they really are reaching to actually make this happen. They are SO SO SO shorthanded

  16. SAD they don't even have 30 corporate sponsors. Jake day got a dose of reality. He just knew if he put salisbury on the hook for this everybody would follow along and bail his ass out

  17. I think Jake day and the minions are realizing not everyone is so thrilled about this fiasco as they are. I just received another wave of emails from the few enthusiastic begging for volunteers. Apparently most of these people will spend their time volunteering and not actually enjoying their festival

  18. 10,000 or less for this nonsense!! You can't even sell out the Civic Center with nationality acclaimed performers in this shit hole of a city. You really think this garbage will draw 100's of thousands?? Oh that's right I forgot, the big liberal, socialist government agenca here in Salisbury now IT'S FREE

  19. Did anyone else catch the injustice Day did to the citizens once again?? The newly acclaimed "Salisbury University Amphitheatre". Wow this guy really is a slime ball

  20. Great MS13 just got added to the mix

  21. Will MS13 be setting up a booth to recruit new members?

  22. It's refreshing to read about the national folk festival and comments and Jake day and ALL his liberal, socialist friends have NO rebuttal. That in itself speaks volumes


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