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Sunday, August 26, 2018

91% Of Md. Teachers Buy Their Own School Supplies, 41% Have A Second Job

BALTIMORE (WJZ) — A new poll shows that Maryland educators are struggling financially, after spending their own money on school supplies and running up their personal debt.

Some teachers even have second jobs to make ends meet.

“Far too many educators are struggling to make ends meet. It’s clear that Maryland needs to do more for our teachers and school staff,” said Baltimore County elementary teacher and Maryland State Education Association President Cheryl Bost.

“Educators devote their lives to making a difference for every single child in their community, yet as a state we have allowed educators to become undervalued,’ Bost added. “The Kirwan Commission, legislators, and local officials must address this problem head-on so we can recruit and retain the talented and dedicated educators our kids need and deserve.”



  1. Democrats in Annapolis been trying to get Hogan to spend all the budget surplus on the teachers and have held up any tax cut for businesses because of it.

  2. Maryland teachers are as far left as you can get , I feel for none of them.

    1. You obviously don't know many teachers here on the Shore.

    2. I am as far from left as you can get and I've been teaching for 20+ years. The administration and lawmakers drag us toward the left but I and many of my peers are Conservatives.

    3. 323 is clueless

    4. No lib here. Now go back home and try again.

  3. They have second jobs because they get the summer off. They are trying to live beyond their means.
    You adjust your lifestyle based on income.

    1. Mama was WRONG again! You deal with 4 years of undergrad plus Master's degree debt, then tell me how glamorous my income is. And no, much of the summer is coursework and professional development, neither of which, I'm sure, you have ever done.

    2. Some people are not even worth your breath..

    3. Exactly. I'm sorry they didnt plan or work hard enough during school only to graduate with piles of debt. Then gripe about pay when they knew what the salaries were when they signed the loan papers. Should have taken more finance courses. Oh wait its common sense. Theres your sign.

  4. A lot of State Employees have 2nd jobs. Even ones that work 12 months out of the year.

  5. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    They have second jobs because they get the summer off. They are trying to live beyond their means.
    You adjust your lifestyle based on income.

    August 23, 2018 at 3:24 PM

    This has absolutely nothing to do with this article and is actually a good point as to why they shouldn't have to pay for supplies to use at work...

  6. many in the private sector have 2 jobs, too. Sorry, with your pension and benefits, I don't feel sorry for you.

  7. If the teachers don't like the pay scale then go get real jobs.

    1. Wow. You actually went there. What a dweeb.

    2. Son, you come teach at JMB for a day and I'll show you real work.

  8. Look, by now most people are enlightened enough to know that no matter what you pay the teachers it's never enough.

    So in my final analysis - I say to simply 'Shut her down' - that's right shut down the entire institution and let the parents teach their offspring themselves. If you can't feed them, then don't breed them.

    1. Interesting philosophy. NOT.

    2. Oh yes, that's the solution!

  9. Schools get the $, however, the spending priorities aren’t on the kids and the classroom supplies. Therefore teachers who want to do their jobs correctly buy their own supplies.

  10. The comments above show exactly why the Shore has that redneck reputation.

  11. Yeah I wonder what has really happened ? Besides tramp teachers dealing drugs in the school yard like we have had here locally. I remember a time when students and parents alike respected teachers. They were held in the same esteem as local police and firemen. I had great teachers and got a college education. Now well retired I sent my kids to public school they all have college educations and good jobs and homes and now I have grand kids on the same path. Just what is this contempt for school teachers ? You can't cash in on aw shucks COMMON sense any more or isolated home schooling. The job market and reality just does not work that way. Maybe if YOU had paid more attention is school you would know that now. Even the Commander in Brief has an education however un-obvious that may seem at times.

  12. State law that established public school tax funding also states that all supplies the children need are also to be supplied by the school district. There is no need for anyone to be buying any school supplies. No need for back to school store trips for parents. It is the law, make the districts follow it.

  13. Cool story bro. I work construction and have to buy work related tools all the time.. quit whining. As a teacher, you'll retire one day on my dime. I will never retire. Count your blessings

  14. I thought all the casinos was for the schools

    1. All casino money does go to education. When they announced it they made it seem like it would be additional money. Instead they just use that money in place of other money from the budget so no extra money went to education

  15. 91% Of Md. Teachers Buy Their Own School Supplies, 41% Have A Second Job


    Bull F'n Sh!t!!

    They are some of the highest paid teachers in the entire state of Maryland.

    Don't fall for this Pity Party BS!

    The Budget for Wicomico County Public Schools starting July 1, 2018 is $212,600,824 dollars. That is almost $213 Million Dollars. If the teachers are buying supplies that aren't required then they are on there own. If they are buying supplies that are required then Dr. Hanlin and the Central Office and current BOE Members are failing them!!

    Quit posting these lies!

  16. Anonymous said...
    They have second jobs because they get the summer off. They are trying to live beyond their means.
    You adjust your lifestyle based on income.

    August 23, 2018 at 3:24 PM

    Some teachers have always worked Summer jobs.

  17. Teachers have to work second jobs?? Wait! Why do we keep hearing that they work all day in the classroom and then have to go home at night and grade papers, every night?? Someone is being disingenuous here. If they grade papers every night then they don't have time for Second jobs.

    Liar, Liar, Pants is on fire.

  18. Anonymous said...
    They have second jobs because they get the summer off. They are trying to live beyond their means.
    You adjust your lifestyle based on income.

    August 23, 2018 at 3:24 PM

    This has absolutely nothing to do with this article and is actually a good point as to why they shouldn't have to pay for supplies to use at work...

    August 23, 2018 at 5:13 PM

    Your stupid comment makes absolutely NO SENSE!! You must be a school teacher.

  19. “Far too many educators are struggling to make ends meet. It’s clear that Maryland needs to do more for our teachers and school staff,” said Baltimore County elementary teacher and Maryland State Education Association President Cheryl Bost.


    This Wench, Cheryl Bost, is the new president of the Lawless State Teachers Association. She is a Hogan hating, Ben Jealous supporting Piece of Dog Manure.

    Cheryl Bost is on Twitter attacking anyone who doesn't support Ben Jealous. I wonder how many school teachers actually support Ben Jealous. I've been very critical of Larry Hogan dumping Millions of dollars into the Baltimore City School System and this is exactly why. Larry Hogan was dumping millions upon millions of dollars into the school systems just to buy votes at the taxpayers' expense. He didn't get the Lawless Teachers Union endorsements and he won't be getting many of the teachers votes. Democrats, especially black Democrats, vote Democrat only.

    Believe it or not, but RINO Larry spent more money on education than any Governor before him. What good did that do, the Democrat and Lying Lawless Teachers Unions claimed he cut school funding.

    Cheryl Bost, The Lawless Teachers Union president also hates Trump and all Republicans.

  20. Anonymous said...
    If the teachers don't like the pay scale then go get real jobs.

    August 23, 2018 at 5:41 PM

    They do have real jobs. I'm not defending them, but I am criticizing YOUR stupid comment.

  21. Anonymous said...
    Oh yes, that's the solution!

    August 23, 2018 at 7:44 PM

    HUH?? WTF are you talking about?

  22. Anonymous said...
    State law that established public school tax funding also states that all supplies the children need are also to be supplied by the school district. There is no need for anyone to be buying any school supplies. No need for back to school store trips for parents. It is the law, make the districts follow it.

    August 23, 2018 at 8:56 PM

    Um... can you validate your statement? Please cite your source before you look like an idiot!

  23. With all the supplies I have to buy when my kid goes back to school, just what are the schools using my property taxes for? Toilet paper?

  24. I have a good friend that teaches and is very conservative, so I don't know how they can be called liberal as a group. Some are, some aren't. In my humble opinion the teacher should not buy supplies because the money is there. I have commented here before about a teacher receiving a shipment of books that were not correct. Instead of them being returned, they were put in a closet and the order was placed again. I didn't see this with my eyes, but it was told by a teacher. For that reason, if I were a teacher, I would not buy supplies when the money is there and wasted.

  25. like private industry maybe they should be paid by the quality of the product they produce? which means they are already highly overpaid! so stfu!
    don't like the pay then find a better job, but with not having to be held accountable for the quality of the product, I don't think they are going to be very successful in getting more money in the private sector!

    1. The quality of the product? Seriously? How exactly in 55-90 minutes are teachers supposed to undo everything that these kids are exposed to and taught outside of their classrooms? Teachers aren't perfect, but the majority work hard and do the best they can to teach an ever growing group of entitled, lazy leeches on society. Teachers can't fix a lack of parenting.

  26. Of course many have a second job. They work during the summer months. How about the tax credits they get and all the perks. Like the tax payers having to pay a pension for another 20-30 years even when you won't be teaching.

  27. Well, well, and well. The solution to your school supplies problem is STOP BUYING SCHOOL SUPPLIES. Go on strike for school supplies. You guys and gals strike for pay raises. Then, go on strike for school supplies.

  28. You can look up online how much Maryland teachers make after a few years on. 70 to 100k EASY full Maryland pension and 401k and EXCELLENT benefits. I'm so TIRED of teachers complaining if your not happy then QUIT. I'll take a 80k a year job with PAID SUMMERS OFF any day. Before grammar police attack my spelling I'm a public school graduate.

  29. 9:37, I am a public school teacher and I'm fine with it. After 20 years I make 74,000. I wish I coul make 100,000 but the scale around here doesn't go that high. I pay my own 401k and the pension is earned. The schools don't need more money, they just need to spend more wisely. We are also very top heavy here in Wicomico County. The big salaries rarely set foot in the schools.

    1. Spell check and your not worth 70k. Also know one is forcing you to pay for additional retirement. Must be nice!

  30. I don't see one teacher in Worcester County quitting their jobs over low pay or working conditions. Then they get pensions and health care that the rest of the county citizens can't get from their private sector employer. And someone thinks I should feel sorry for them??? I think not.

  31. Most teachers are 10 month employees. So, a "second job" merely means they work some during the summer, to bring them up to the full-time employment of the tax payers footing their salaries.

  32. I think most teachers are very happy with the salary and benefits of public education employment. What you are hearing is bs from the union about salaries. Too much money is wasted in public education because those in charge can't really understand that throwing money at a problem will not solve it. Hard work and common sense will. But remember, very few of these people have ever had real jobs.

  33. A teacher friend of mine with 23 years in took a teaching job at a private school for 50% less pay, and no cushy pension or benefits. Why, because as a middle school teacher, she started to fear for her safety from the kids and parents.

    Over the years she bought basic supplies for kids, in some cases back packs and winter coats too. She spent a lot of her own money to make her classroom an inviting place to be. Most teachers do.

    But times have changed. The few kids not there to learn make it a miserable place for everyone else. Schools are loaded with administrators that contribute nothing to a childs education. Parents are demanding and refuse to believe their kids are anything but angels.

    I shadowed my friend for a few days two years ago. Trust me when I tell you most of you wouldn't last a day in a classroom.

  34. Can someone prove to me why teachers "have to buy their own supplies." This story is full of sh!t because teachers DON'T have to buy their own supplies. They chose to buy things not required and they aren't buying supplies for the students. Just today all over the state of Maryland and this country organizations are giving away free book bags and supplies to ANY student who wants them.

    I am sick and tired of these lies about the teachers pitty parties!

  35. And here we go with the teacher bashing, lol..explains a lot about the Shore..

  36. If they were actually teaching I would care but they aren't. Most are beyond clueless and have no idea what goes on in the school system. For instance the obama era policies that allowed dangerous and violent student to not only avoid arrest but to remain in schools. Most are so low information they have no idea about this. And this is what is "teaching" the children. It's no wonder US graduates from public colleges can't compete.

  37. " Anonymous said...

    And here we go with the teacher bashing, lol..explains a lot about the Shore..

    August 26, 2018 at 5:05 PM"

    As they should be bashed. it's the teachers that are the reason the shore and many other areas are like they are. Teachers constantly complaining how hard their job is how dangerous etc. BUT they don't do a thing about it. They don't demand and end to the democrat policies that allow dangerous disruptive students to remain in schools. And the reason-because most are full of crap and could care less about teaching. It's all about the paycheck. Don't worry we have their number. Really if any had any brains (and morals) they would be ashamed to be any part of the US public "education" system. US students are so far below other countries it's not even funny-and the fault lies with the teachers for not demanding change. Forget blaming it on the parents. The parents with disruptive children are worthless so that excuse is over.

    1. Lol! You must live a very miserable life! I’ve heard it all now. It’s the teachers fault the shore is the way it is..bahahahahaha..oh your comment is very funny! Thank you for the laugh 😂😂😂


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