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Saturday, July 07, 2018

Will History Record Illinois As A Failure Of Democracy?

As America celebrates its Independence this week, it seems only right to consider the most far-reaching questions raised by Illinois’ crisis:

Did the Founding Fathers miss something? Did we miss something the Founders stood for? Is our form of democracy fundamentally flawed?

The importance of those questions is part of why Wirepoints exists, and why we hope other states follow Illinois’ story.

Illinois inherited assets most states and nations would envy. Its GDP remains larger than all but fifteen countries of the world. More importantly, it inherited constitutional self-government.

But it’s failing.



  1. Of course it's a failure , anything associated with obama is and has been a failure .

  2. We are a Republic, not a Democracy!

  3. Illinois' carcass wheezed its last some time ago, when just too many Democrats finally gave it all away without a thought of where it came from and who was being injured by the giveaways.
    Obama's handlers saw the state as the perfect victim for more sweeping promises, and Obama's political career was off to a start. He left it in worse shape than he found it.

  4. What the Dems didn't give a way in Illinois they stole.

  5. The one critical flaw with democracies is that the politicians we put into office, offer free stuff to get re-elected, and voters say "Hell, yeah...we love free sh$t" and those corrupt politicians stay in office.
    The ONLY way to prevent the cycle is to create term limits and then ban politicians from any public soliciting for ten years after their terms end. That way, the perpetual corruption can end because there's no benefit to offering free stuff anymore.
    It's so simple, but corrupt bureaucrats won't let it get on the agenda.


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