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Saturday, July 07, 2018

FBI's Peter Strzok may ignore House subpoena, says his lawyer

Peter Strzok, the former FBI agent who vowed to "stop" President Trump from winning the 2016 election despite being part of a federal investigation into his campaign, may not show up to testify next week despite being subpoenaed.

"My client will testify soon, somewhere, sometime. We just got this subpoena today, so I don't know whether or not we are going to be testifying next Tuesday in front of these two particular House subcommittees," Aitan Goelman, Strzok's attorney, told CNN's Chris Cuomo.

Goelman said he could not automatically respond "yes" because the two "have come to the conclusion, forced to come to the conclusion, that this is not a search for truth, it is a chance for Republican members of the House to preen and posture before their most radical, conspiracy-minded constituents."



  1. I hope and pray that Strzok along with a few others rot in prison for the rest of his useless lives which will be long because even the devil isn't in any hurry to get Strzok and the rest of trash including the clinton garbage.


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