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Monday, July 16, 2018

Will Hillary persist in 2020? Her actions suggest ‘yes’

There’s been buzz circulating lately that Hillary Clinton may still have her eye on the Oval Office and is considering stepping back in the ring to take another shot at the 2020 Democrat presidential nomination. Because quitters never win, or something.

On its face, it sounds like pure insanity. However, she’s spent the last year and a half fixated on the 2016 election, traveling all over and telling anyone who will listen why it’s not her fault she lost.

She even went so far as to write a book, “What Happened.” Her publisher could have saved a few trees and sent her a two-word email - you lost.

Perhaps the basket of excuses she’s been carrying around is really her misguided attempt at trying to rehab her image and set the stage for round three in 2020. When you think about it that way, the idea she’d actually run again sounds less like pure insanity and starts to sound absurdly believable.

More from the 'Twilight Zone' here..



  1. Let's hope she persists...
    Her success rate with the voters will be even lower this time around

  2. Wish she would just go away. Maybe an assisted living facility for both her and Bill for corrupt politicians.

  3. Yeah, but will the DNC be stupid enough to support her again after she committed political suicide and took most of their money to do it?

  4. DNC is broke, and the Clintons are flush with cash. Same thing led to Hillary getting to subvert the democratic process in the 2016 primaries. Money wins out again in 2020, and Hilldawg loses again. I'll laugh even harder!

  5. She'll try but it won't happen.

  6. But what's she going to look like in 2020? LOL

  7. The Chardonnay nose in the picture is a winner.

  8. Good picture of the old bag.


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