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Monday, July 16, 2018

Four Israelis Wounded as Gaza Terror Rockets Slam into Home, Synagogue

Ynetnews reports: A family of four Israelis were wounded by shrapnel from a Gaza rocket that landed near a home in the city of Sderot on Saturday evening. Another rocket landed near a synagogue in the city.

The father of the family, 52, suffered injuries to his forehead and legs, the mother, 45, suffered injuries to her legs, a 15-year-old girl suffered injuries to her face, head and legs, and a 14-year-old girl suffered injuries to her face, legs and back of the head.

The family’s neighbor, Azzat Magirov, heard the rocket hit and ran next door. She embraced the two teenage girls, who were covered in blood, and accompanied them to the hospital while their parents received medical treatment.

“There was no Code Red siren. All of a sudden I heard a ‘boom.’ "


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