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Friday, July 27, 2018

Why Hillary Won't Run...Again

Third time's the charm, right? Certainly not in Hillary's case. While the media pundits and bookies speculate whether or not she'll run a third time for the White House, I'm fairly certain that Ms. Clinton is finished in politics. She forfeited her best chance at occupying the Oval Office when she acquiesced to the upstart black man from Chicago – consigned to the sidelines, waiting her turn. As a consolation prize, she served as Obama's secretary of state, which did nothing to enhance her résumé. Far from it. To her detriment, she also grossly misjudged a formidable opponent in 2016. Should she decide to go all in, Hillary Clinton will have even larger obstacles to overcome in 2020: her failing health, a non-compliant DNC, and the knowledge that Donald Trump has gained access to intelligence agency reports and records.

For starters, Hillary Clinton doesn't look good. More importantly, the media optics since the election in 2016 haven't been kind. She continues to stumble and fall. As happened during the campaign, intrepid photographers caught her falling down a steep set of stairs in India. At the beginning of summer, she appeared in public on several occasions smothered in heavy coats and voluminous scarves in an unconvincing attempt to conceal the back brace she was wearing. It's anyone's guess why she was trussed up in metal. Maybe she fell down...again.

Hillary's most recent decision to wear the dining room tablecloth wasn't a smart fashion choice. Not only was the polka-dot tablecloth hideous, but her ruffled coif, the noticeably droopy bags under her eyes, and gray skin tones weren't flattering, either. Whether it's her failing health, large quantities of alcohol consumption, or inability to walk without falling down, Hillary is in no physical shape for yet another grueling two-year campaign.

If her poor health isn't enough to finally squash the still elusive quest for the White House keys, Hillary Clinton has no friends left at the Democrat National Committee. Committee chairman Tom Perez fired a warning shot across the Clinton bow when he stated that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is the fresh young face of the Democratic Party. In plain speak, Perez telegraphed a hard to misinterpret message for Ms. Clinton: you're old, washed up, and unelectable – so just go away. Despite the fact that Ocasio-Cortez is a Democrat in name only, the rising tide of Marxist-socialists of the liberal party (to which Ms. Ocasio-Cortez has self-identified), won't go along to get along in 2020. And absent are the Clinton-enablers, such as Debbie Wasserman Schultz; who jerry-rigged the Democrat primaries in Hillary's favor. It's highly doubtful that Mr. Perez would be quite as accommodating, but then again – buckets of ill gotten Clinton cash are tempting.



  1. Wow. Don't hold back. Say what you really mean.

  2. The DNC is still stinging from Hillary's raid on their piggy bank in 2016, leaving them with almost nothing in funds for state races.

  3. She might be in prison.

  4. Why do the campaigns have to be 2 years long? 6 months ahead of the election is plenty of time.

  5. Why?

    Because she is dead.
    Died on 9/11/2016.

    None of her clones proved to be believable so they forced her good friend, The Donald, to play the role of POTUS for 4 years.
    He is doing a bang up job and absolutely everybody actually believes he makes decisions in Washington DC.
    He doesn't.

    He reads from a script just like all of the other actors who portray government politicians.
    Completely compromised, he says and does exactly what he is instructed to do.
    He will become fabulously wealthy for playing the role.

  6. Behind bars yes should be her next position,maybe her constant whining will lull the other inmates to sleep!

  7. This stinking old lying bitch needs to go away. She is probably the ugliest hag to ever draw a breath. I throw up in my mouth when I see her on TV, or in a photo. I sincerely hope she dies a very painful death soon.

  8. God, just the thought of another campaign. That annoying, screeching, whiny, grating voice. Just kill me now.

  9. Man I hope she runs! It would be so delicious to see Trump whoop her a$$ again.

  10. If she does, she's crazier than I thought!

  11. she is just bat poo crazy enough to run again. Yes it would be very delicious to watch. Be prepared for one day for Michael Obama to run.


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