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Friday, July 27, 2018

Everyone Falls for Homeless Man’s Trap and Hit Their Brakes

Drivers have to be fully aware of their surroundings when they are on the road. It is important that they stay focused and undistracted. Being distracted even for a split-second can result in an accident.

Nevertheless, portable technology has made it difficult for drivers to keep their eyes on the road. People have become more brazen about using their phones while driving. Because of safety concerns, the police force of Bethesda, Maryland decided to take matters into their own hands.

During their daily commute, drivers in Bethesda saw a peculiar sight on the side of the road – a homeless man holding up a sign.

However, as soon as the drivers were close enough to read the placard, it was revealed that the man was not actually begging. He was, in fact, a police officer from the Montgomery County police station in civilian clothing. He was looking to reprimand drivers who were texting behind the wheel.



  1. Kudos to the Montgomery County Police. If the drivers were not texting or talking while driving, they wouldn't have tickets. Thanks for posting.

  2. Secret Police
    A sign of tyrannical government.

  3. I couldn't read the sign. Why is the message obscured?


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