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Sunday, July 15, 2018

What The Hell Were You Thinking Jim Mathias!


  1. I like Jim personally, but he needs to go. Sadly, he is becoming a joke.

  2. what are any of those people who support the Party of Liberal Jim thinking?

  3. 2 Liberal Socialist needs to go deep fishing and never come back. Maybe they will drift down to Venezuela.

  4. No surprise here at all!

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Keep supporting Jim, and you’re going to get this assclown with him. #Hogan#Carozza

  7. Shame on you Jim Mathias, your true colors are really shining through. As a real Democrat I was going to vote for you, but Mary Beth gets my families vote. You are TOAST!

  8. They didn't just happen to run into each other. No one goes to the Boardwalk when it's nearly 100 degrees outside dressed like that. Notice how jim is wearing a suit and tie and it's buttoned up??

    Jim is always casual on the boardwalk wearing a polo shirt at most.

    This is Jim's official endorsement for Ben Jealous and he can say to the dumb RINO's who believe him "that this was a chance encounter." Liberal Jim always plays these games.

  9. Talk about a lapse of judgement.
    Then again, maybe that's the only guy running for Maryland governor that WILL shake his hand.

  10. LOL. A bunch of wannabe republicans living in a blue state on here whining. 99% of you don't have a net worth that warrants being a republican. The GOP politicians certainly don't feel the need to represent you and haven't for many decades.

  11. Vote James Mathias and the DNC platform is what you are gonna get.

  12. A maxim in politics is to be cordial.

  13. Joe you will like this. You can tell that the Democrat Mares steal ideas from each other. Newly elected Democrat Mare in Annapolis comes up with a stupid idea. Obviously they didn't learn from Salisbury's, oops, I mean Jake Day's dumb idea.

    Annapolis prepares to launch bike-share program in mid-August


  14. Jim used to be a great guy you could always call and he would help. Too arrogant and complacent now. Always voted for him and contributed to him. He has lost allot of support and like myself I see many of his former supporters at Mary Beth's fund raisers.

  15. Senator Mathias is a Democrat, so it is not surprising that he may support another Democrat. That's politics. However, I know firsthand that Jim has worked very hard to collaborate on issues that affect the Eastern Shore. Before you make disparaging comments about Jim Mathias, talk to him. He and I have been adversaries on numerous topics, but when I needed someone in Annapolis to listen to my concerns, especially about the crisis at ECI, he has been right there. Some of the guards have expressed their appreciation that he was there as soon as the protest started several weeks ago: in fact they told me that he was the only politician who did so at that time. Neither Governor Hogan nor Lieutenant Governor Rutherford has been there. I have repeatedly called, contacted, and yesterday visited the Maryland State House to speak with one of Governor Hogan's constituent liaisons regarding the serious problems at ECI. Aside from my conversation yesterday, no one other than Senator Mathias has returned my calls and responded to my messages. We basically have a two-party system, like it or not. The time has come to stop thinking that people from different sides of the aisle cannot work together to solve problems. In fact, we all must work together to solve our problems.

  16. If Jealous wins -MD will become as Baltimore. A total sh t hole

  17. ANOTHER politician who has been sucking the public teat for so long it is now a CAREER.
    It was never intended to be a lifetime job.
    We better start hanging these snakes.
    They do not care if you live or die today or tomorrow as long as you have money they can get.

    I'd like to see a bubonic plague break out in Congress. Don't send any doctors. Just lock all the doors.
    If any of them somehow get out, walk them out into the street and hang them.
    Keep cheering.

  18. I don't like the picture at all, but he won't win - we are better than that!

  19. Jim will stab you in the back

  20. 5:11 Thanks for being a beacon of reason in this sea of dense fog.

  21. Jim is originally from Baltimore and everyone knows you can take someone out of that hellhole but you can't take it out of them. They do not share our same values and goals. "He's With Them" more then he's with us.

  22. I just got a call from Senator Mathias. He wanted me to know that SBYNews is bigger then Myth Busters. Apparently he's been bombarded with phone calls after viewers saw this article. He went on to explain how and what happened in this situation. Jim is in town celebrating a 100th anniversary with a friend and Mr. Jealous called him to let him know he too was in town and where can I get something quick to eat. Jim, (by chance) was heading to the boardwalk to get a slice of pizza and Mr. Jealous met him there for a quick bite to eat.

    While we all know Larry Hogan is going to win the next election, that's a given. However, business is business and Jim did not endorse Mr. Jealous. Now we know what the hell Jim was thinking.

    1. Joe

      A lot of Baltimorons are on welfare, EBT cards, and other government hand outs....

      This Democrat clown wants to tax us more if elected over Hogan....

      To give more stuff away

      Make sure....those of us here.... Let the Western Shore who work.... Know what the game plan is by the Democrats

      The Western Shore has more votes than us man..

      We could get screwed if a Democrat gets in

  23. Joe, if you believe for one minute Jim was heading to the boardwalk for a slice of pizza dressed like that, I have some really sweet real estate to sell you in FLA.

  24. 9:25, You clearly didn't read my comment thoroughly. Jim was at a 100th anniversary gala with many other dignitaries. He was dressed for that event and was stopping in for a slice of pizza when Jealous called. They met at the pizza shop and went on their merry way. There's no lies here or excuses. Everyone, including Jealous and Hogan were all dressed for that occasion. As I stated, Mathias did not endorse this man. If I ran into or met YOU for a slice of pizza on the boardwalk and you wanted to shake my hand and take a picture, should I flat out deny you that?

  25. OK Joe, that's fine but, while you were on the phone with him you should have asked him who was he endorsing for Gov ... He's GOT to endorse the DEM or Mike Miller will move his seat to the back row.

  26. They'll be shaking hands again for the camera's in Crisfield next week, all Ben has to tell Jim is " I think you'll make a good LT Gov JIm " Then the love affair will begin.

  27. Thanks for the update, Joe. For anybody who knows Jim, the photo is what it is, two men shaking hands. Don't read into it.

  28. Mathias belongs to the party who believes disgraced FBI agent, cheating husband Peter Strzok deserves a Purple Heart. That's all anyone needs to know. Unless and until each and every democrat disavows loudly and publicly just how disgusting their party has become they shouldn't be voted for by good patriot Americans. Sorry not Sorry.

  29. And THAT'S why political party affiliation matters at the local level.

  30. We Dems won the republican primary elections in Worcester county, why stop with just the county, lets go for the State.

  31. Anyone notice the Ben Jealous shave his goatee as soon as he announced he was running for governor? I guess he wanted to try to appear as a more clean cut candidate.
    Lets see when he decided to grow it back.

  32. Anonymous said...
    We Dems won the republican primary elections in Worcester county, why stop with just the county, lets go for the State.

    July 13, 2018 at 9:55 AM

    Did anyone notice the lazy a$$ Republicans stayed home during the primaries in Wicomico County? Obviously someone(Republican Central Committee and Republican Club) isn't doing their jobs to make sure their Party is getting out to vote. Pi$$ poor leadership in those two.

  33. Anonymous said...
    And THAT'S why political party affiliation matters at the local level.

    July 13, 2018 at 8:42 AM

    Yes it matters!!

    There should be no Republican voting anything but Republican.

    There should be no Democrats voting for Socialist Progressives like Ben Jealous. If your Democrat buddy is a member of the "Progressives" then your Democrat isn't a Democrat, they are a Socialist who is trying to take over the Democrat Party. Your best bet is to vote Conservative, vote Republican.

  34. Anonymous said...
    We Dems won the republican primary elections in Worcester county, why stop with just the county, lets go for the State.

    July 13, 2018 at 9:55 AM

    And how do you figure you did that?

  35. Word from my Democrat friends is that local wannabe politician Jared Schablein has been carrying on and intimate type relationship with Ben Jealous. Just like Mathias had with another person several years ago. Those progressives are an interesting bunch.


  36. Just two homies hangin' in the hood!

    Strains belief that Liberal Jim can avoid endorsing the Socialist Democrat candidate for governor. Keep looking for that eventuality. Certain bet he won't be endorsing Gov. Hogan. He'll be in Jealous' pocket soon enough.

    What kind of gala was it for 100 years? Celebrating what? And what kind of gala doesn't offer something to nibble on?

    Mathias was a fairly popular mayor, and could have carved out a safe independent seat for himself actually representing residents of the district from both parties, if he'd chosen. But he chose to let the Annapolis bosses chart his course.

    So naturally a photographer is handy when he steps out for pizza and runs into the former head of the NAACP who is in OC along with half of Baltimore. Totally plausible. I was born at night, but it wasn't last night!

  37. 9:25 Really smart people bought real estate in FL after the crash and made a ton of money. There are a few of around here. You sound like you did the opposite and invested id Salisbury. LMAO.

  38. Anonymous said...
    Word from my Democrat friends is that local wannabe politician Jared Schablein has been carrying on and intimate type relationship with Ben Jealous. Just like Mathias had with another person several years ago. Those progressives are an interesting bunch.

    July 13, 2018 at 6:15 PM

    I heard that. He learned everything from his daddy Kevin. If you have young scouts in that troop you may want to have a police officer talk to them.

  39. So if it is just two men shaking hands. Why isn't there a picture of Mary Beth Carozza shaking Ben Jealous' hand or Hogan shaking Mathias' hand? There was a point to this photo.

  40. bet Ben hasn't put any money into Jim's war chest like Wayne Hartman did and Carozza helped Wayne get elected. Now explain that one?

  41. Anonymous said...
    bet Ben hasn't put any money into Jim's war chest like Wayne Hartman did and Carozza helped Wayne get elected. Now explain that one?

    July 15, 2018 at 6:36 PM

    I've got a better idea, why don't you explain it Ed Tinus Mr. Sore Loser who is now filing for a "write in" Candidate Race.

  42. Anonymous said...
    Senator Mathias is a Democrat, so it is not surprising that he may support another Democrat. That's politics. However, I know firsthand that Jim has worked very hard to collaborate on issues that affect the Eastern Shore. Before you make disparaging comments about Jim Mathias, talk to him. He and I have been adversaries on numerous topics, but when I needed someone in Annapolis to listen to my concerns, especially about the crisis at ECI, he has been right there. Some of the guards have expressed their appreciation that he was there as soon as the protest started several weeks ago: in fact they told me that he was the only politician who did so at that time. Neither Governor Hogan nor Lieutenant Governor Rutherford has been there. I have repeatedly called, contacted, and yesterday visited the Maryland State House to speak with one of Governor Hogan's constituent liaisons regarding the serious problems at ECI. Aside from my conversation yesterday, no one other than Senator Mathias has returned my calls and responded to my messages. We basically have a two-party system, like it or not. The time has come to stop thinking that people from different sides of the aisle cannot work together to solve problems. In fact, we all must work together to solve our problems.

    July 12, 2018 at 5:11 PM

    I noticed you didn't sign you name so I will throw down the Bullshit Flag.

  43. I remember when Josh Hastings used to be Lying Jim's little Chauffeur boi. I saw them having a nice candlelight dinner in dark corner of an Annapolis restaurant.

    I've also seen Ben Jealous and Jared Schablein in the same compromising positions.

  44. Just catching up! Saw this and threw up right into my coffee cup!!

  45. Is Jake Day going to endorse Ben Jealous or Larry Hogan?

  46. Jim I know you are a liberal but Ben Jealous/socialism should be against your religion huh? Free college for illegals ? My grandkids work their butts off to pay for college AND still have to borrow money. Come on Jim 🤷‍♀️


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