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Wednesday, July 04, 2018

Teachers union says it shouldn't have to prove it has the support of teachers

A lawsuit filed Tuesday by a coalition of Florida teachers unions argues that the labor groups shouldn't have to prove they have the backing of a majority of the educators and other workers in the schools they represent.

The lawsuit is a reaction to a new state law that would decertify teachers unions if the unions cannot prove that most of the people the union represents actually wants it to be there. Unions allege the law is purely an attack on them.

"[The law] unfairly targets teachers unions — and teachers unions alone — for decertification as local bargaining agents," the unions, lead by the Florida Education Association, said in a press release.

The lawsuit seeks to invalidate a section in a new state education law that became effective Sunday.

The language says that should a union's membership fall to less than half of the people in the workplace eligible to join, then the union must ask the Florida Public Employees Relations Commission to hold a new workplace election. If less than half the eligible workers back the union in that vote, then the union loses its status as the worker's representative.



  1. "A lawsuit filed Tuesday by a coalition of Florida teachers unions argues that the labor groups shouldn't have to prove they have the backing of a majority of the educators and other workers in the schools they represent."
    That's all you have to know about where the Union aliegiances lie. With political power, not with the teachers.

  2. Hey unions, Its called collective bargining! In this day and age unions are relics. Lets be honest. We all know they are a powerful lobby in the pockets of mostly democrats/socialist/marxist/
    communist/progressive groups. However typical of their sorted past. Extortion is nothing new to these goons. This strongarm robbery that provides you little fiscal gains, political benefit to leftist causes & unnecesary fiscal burdens on us all. Their greed and support of socialist ideals sent factories out if this country. The unions version of taxation without representation needs to end!!

  3. SCOTUS...Janus...Buh Bye Teachers unions!

  4. They need to go and crawl back into the sewer from which they emerged. As far as the teachers are concerned many are intellectually challenged themselves due to the democrats dumbing down the US "education" system. This especially true in the democrats strongholds such as the inner cities. With that being said many aren't fooled. The reason they say they SHOULD'T have to prove anything is because they can't. They won't ever admit this though because they are democrats and there isn't a democrat dead or alive who tells the truth. All democrats are pathological liars.

  5. Democrats have relied on unions to get them the votes they need and the money to buy the votes they need. It twists the gut of some non-Democrat union members when they see their dues money being spent on candidates they don't support. The Obamas (both of them) and the likes of Pelosi and gang were the straws that broke the camel's back.


  6. The FL law is pretty clever. Being upset enough to talk up and start a decertification drive requires work and can cause animosity with fellow workers thus leading to inertia, and continuation of the status quo.

    But putting the task on the union, if it falls below 50% is good thinking. They will need to exert an effort, which takes both time and money, to pitch woo to current employees. Many who'd be unwilling to go public in a decertification drive may choose to vote 'No' in a secret ballot.


  7. There are places that have employee representation by more than one union, so how does that work?

  8. Good riddance to unions. They have been stealing from form workers' paychecks for years.


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