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Wednesday, July 04, 2018

Report Throws Water on ‘Blue Wave’

Democrat’s need to win at least 48 House seats and 7 Senate seats for their ‘blue wave’ to reach the shore

Discussion of an impending “blue wave” has proliferated throughout the political landscape since November 2017, aided in part by the media and a Democratic Party eager to claw its way back into power.

Yet very little evidence or research exists on what exactly constitutes a wave election or how they can be measured in the future. A new analysis by Ballotpedia attempts to break ground on the subject by examining data from 50 previous election cycles, ranging from 1918 to 2016, in order to appropriately determine how many seats Democrats would need to win in 2018 for their “blue wave” to not only crest but reach the shore.

Ballotpedia’s analysis defines a “wave” as 20 percent of elections in the last 100 years, in which the president’s party lost the most seats. Using this definition, Ballotpedia measured prior political performance to determine Democrats would need to win at least 48 House seats, 7 Senate seats, 7 gubernatorial seats, and 494 state legislative seats for 2018 to be counted as a wave election.



  1. The only way they will. Is if they cheat they a Already lie and deceive so why should we not think they're above cheating when illegals dead and multiple votes are tallied the democrats will claim victory through deception lies and theft

  2. It's a blue wave, alright, except that it's heading away from shore.

  3. The so called "blue wave" is defined by the wrong color. Most of us remember what happened shortly after Ronald Reagan announced those famous word in West Berlin on 06 12 1987.



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