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Tuesday, July 24, 2018

'Supergirl' Casts First Transgender Superhero On Television

The transgender activist behind a landmark case that set a precedent for allowing trans people to use the restroom of their choice, is marking another historic first. This time on television.

Nicole Maines, has been cast as the first transgender superhero to be featured on a television show. The announcement was made at San Diego Comic-Con on Saturday.

She will join the upcoming fourth season of the CW's Supergirl as Nia Nal, a young reporter who eventually fulfills her destiny, transitioning into a superhero called Dreamer.

"It feels fitting to say with great power, comes great responsibility," she told Variety, in a nod to the well-known Spider-Man line.

"I'm nervous because I want to do it right," she added.



  1. Just be yourself, whoever that might be.

  2. Another show not to watch

  3. SICK! TV is supposed to be entertaining, but not a Freak show! next they will be giving that Jenner Freak his-her own talk show!


  4. Loser concept. Doomed to fail.

  5. Hollywood is for gays. Heterosexuals should not watch.

  6. Who cares?

    Live and let live, love and be loved.

  7. I'm not as pleased to see a rainbow in the sky as I once was.

  8. Non-issue, until you jam it down everyone's throats! Supergirl was a nice little series, too bad it will end now.

  9. Anonymous said...
    Just be yourself, whoever that might be.

    July 24, 2018 at 8:19 AM

    I have no problem being yourself. I have a problem with people like you forcing this down our throats and trying to teach our kids that a mental illness is Ok.

  10. Anonymous said...
    Who cares?

    Live and let live, love and be loved.

    July 24, 2018 at 11:48 AM

    Who cares? Obviously we care you liberal idiot!

  11. Anonymous said...
    I'm not as pleased to see a rainbow in the sky as I once was.

    July 24, 2018 at 1:01 PM



  12. Look, up in the sky! It's a bird! It's a plane! It's Supertranny! Faster than a streak of pussyhats, More powerful than the pounding LGBT manic, Mightier than a roaring MSM, This amazing IT from the planet moonbat the he/she of rubber silcone and wigs, Supertranny. Removing remarkable physical body parts, Supertrany struggles from depression and fights a never-ending battle for truth and justice, and the right to use the bathroom it idetifies with disguised as a mild mannered newspaper reporter rachel madcow.

    No that be a show ..

  13. Like watching a train wreck-I was almost eerily compelled to click on the rest of the article..I wish I hadn't...here is a quote from the new "Dreamer" hero-..uh..heroine...un..whatever you call it..

    "I've been doing a lot of auditions lately because a lot of different shows have been really eager to tell the story of transgender people," Maines told the audience. "It seems only fitting that we have a trans superhero for trans kids to look up to. I wish there was a trans superhero when I was little."

  14. Constantly throwing garbage like this in our face. There are gays in most t v shows now.


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