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Tuesday, July 24, 2018

I Have A Dream...


  1. and it is damp one....

  2. OMG, I wish I would wake up one morning and this dream was true.

  3. Wow, the nightmare I had of that group still having power,to this dream made my day. Thanks for sharing.

  4. What a coincidence, I had that same Dream

  5. Unfortunately that's a dream that won't come true.

  6. I wish each and every one of those pictured arrests would take place especially Hillary, Bill and Obama they are the real traitors of this country. They have lied, swindled and murdered people who they ignored like in Bengazi, the uranium deal and the real traitors who have worked with the Russians and tried to pin everything on Trump.


  7. Indictments, convictions, long stays in graybar hotel for these plotters.

  8. Because the country that locks up people of differing political persuasions is America.

    OH, sorry... I must have that wrong... Countries that do THAT are the ones that don't have America's Constitutionally protected freedoms. North Korea, Cuba, Venezuala...

    This doesn't seem very, well, "American" to me.....

  9. What 11:52 You obviously need to get out of your mother's basement if you are that naive, have your your head that far in the sand and fail to see the criminal behavior of the previous administration. That's not a different political opinion that's criminal treason and sedition. What doesn't seem American to me is the people who support these criminals

  10. Yes!!! Sometimes dreams DO come true......

  11. Add two more1 REV AL AND JESSE then the book is complete.


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