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Saturday, July 28, 2018

Sessions Busts 28 Illegals for Stolen Identities to Get Benefits

Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced charges Thursday against 28 for stealing identities of U.S. citizens and using them to get government benefits, NBC News reported.

Most of the 28 are undocumented immigrants; 22 are undocumented Dominican Republic nationals who stole identities of mostly Puerto Ricans who were displaced in September's Hurricane Maria, Sessions said.

They got government benefits including Medicaid and federally subsidized housing in Massachusetts, using stolen Social Security numbers and other documents, the report said.

"Two people, same name, same numbers: One in Puerto Rico and one in Massachusetts, receiving Medicaid benefits," Sessions said. "In some cases, both people with the same identity were receiving medical services on the same day, in both jurisdictions, 1,600 miles apart."



  1. Come to Salisbury we have thousands of em.

  2. Next, start comparing the SSN's of people in different states who collect welfare in one, two, or even three different states.
    That is GOLD MINE of fraud.

  3. About 20,000,000 more to go.

  4. Illegal SOB's need to pay back everything they stole from me and do hard time before being deported to some war-torn Middle Eastern country.

  5. Instead of separating children and families, let's keep separating illegals from free benefits and voting booths.
    That's the only reason democrats want unrestricted immigration: higher electoral numbers so they can stack the electoral college in 2020

  6. These dumb third world people are pretty smart when it comes to taking illegal advantage of our government. So our government found 28 of the dumbest ones. How many others are doing it and getting away with it?


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