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Saturday, July 28, 2018

Jerry Jones: Cowboys Anthem Stance Is Players Must Stand

Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones said his team's players must stand for the national anthem but also called Trump’s interest in the anthem controversy “problematic” during a news conference Wednesday in Oxnard, California, where the team trains.

“Our policy is that you stand at the anthem, toe on the line,” Jones said in response to a question about whether players would be allowed to stay in the locker room during the anthem, NFL.com reported.

After approving a new rule at the Spring League meeting imposing fines on teams whose players don’t stand for the anthem or stay in the locker room, the NFL and NFL Players Association agreed to freeze the implementation of that rule for a few weeks while the issue is discussed between the league and the union.

The NFL and NFLPA as well as several active players are scheduled to meet for a discussion Friday.



  1. When players suit up, they are getting on a stage that doesn't belong to them. Let them go to a public park or rent a stadium on their own and they can kneel all they want. Fans didn't but game tickets to watch a bunch of spoiled brats make fun of our Anthem and flag.

  2. As it should be!! these others are running a franchise for profit the players should abide by the rules its is a business not a soapbox

  3. If every owner would grow a set, it would break up this bullshit once and for all.

  4. Just let them fail on their own...screw them

  5. I've been thinking about this stupid issue for over year now. If the team is paying you , once you are on the field you should abide by the team rules. If in fact you want to protest or make a statement then do it off the field. I'm paying part of you salary . This country must take a stand and stop these African Americans from so much hate and disruption. I hope Trump stays involved . I'm 75 years old and fought for all of your rights , this is not your right to disgrace my country and flag. We are tired of it , I'm old but my trigger finger works well.

  6. Will Jones stand by the Dallas policy this time or will he turncoat and reverse like he did at the end of the season. Still no NFL for me again this season.

  7. It's about time Jerry Jones got some balls.

  8. The NFL has lost a lot of fans because of the players stupid actions. If the NFL won't stand up for America maybe they should just fold up their tent and go away.One thing is for damn sure they have lost me and my dollars.

  9. I will thankfully never know whether they will be kneeling or not this season.

    College ball is better anyway, and if they start kneeling, it's Nascar, B-ball and hockey.

    Sports get me away from daily politics and social issues, it's mano on mano and team on team, fair play and true grit.

    I watch it for no other reason, and if you bring some other "reason", ....


  10. The vast majority of these over-paid ping pong players couldn't give a rat's a$$ about the issues they're supposedly "protesting". The only reason they're even doing it is to show their own.

  11. More than half of the players that kneel or want to stay in the lockeroom have no idea what they are protesting. The flag? What did the flag ever do to them? Where is the respect for the military who guards and protects their home country? Obviously these players have no respect for anybody but themselves. This whole national anthem thing has lost me as a viewer. when the Ravens played in London last year, they proudly stood for God Save the Queen, but when their own national anthem was played, they protested. All of this on foreign soil...not a good look for our country, and surely not a good look for the NFL.
    I haven't missed watching the NFL

  12. The Cowboy players are about to find out who the boss is.....


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