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Sunday, July 15, 2018

Salisbury Folk Festival Must Be Stopped, Homeland Security Not Happy!

Yesterday Homeland Security came to Salisbury Maryland to asses the upcoming Folk Festival and absolutely freaked out.

Mayor Jake Day and his pre school staff waited far too long to call in Homeland Security, in which they told Day they need at least SIX MONTHS to put a plan together for such an event. 

They went on to discuss many other critical matters that had not been thought out like shelter in place locations. Homeland Security flat out stated there's nowhere near enough locations for a shelter in place emergency, even as simple as a rain storm. Day tried to claim they can use the downtown parking garage and Homeland Security said, (according to the 30,000 Day is now claiming will arrive) still said it's not enough. 

Homeland Security went on to say there's nowhere near enough drinking water locations for such a crowd. Keep in mind, Day sold this event as an up to 300,000 people to attend each day, not 30,000. Homeland Security also stated there's nowhere near enough electric outlets throughout Downtown. They also stated they could help assess the event for next year but just on the surface this event should not take place. They also told Day there's nowhere near enough parking, even if only 30,000 people show up. Homeland Security stated they only have enough parking for 5,000 vehicles.

HERE'S THE KICKER: Homeland Security was able to finally get the TRUTH out of Mayor Jake Day referencing VOLUNTEERS. It turns out the City only has on record 130 volunteers and the event coordinator for this national event stated they must have 800 volunteers, (minimal) for this event and flat out told Jake Day, your going to have to HIRE to rest. 

Anyone who has had to deal with volunteers in the past knows that IF there's 130 people who signed up, only about 50 to 75 will actually show up, seriously. So we'll be conservative and say the City will need to hire some 700 people for four days, something they cannot afford. 

Look, this entire event is a disaster. When Homeland Security comes in and tells the Mayor there is NO PLAN whatsoever for an "active shooter" situation, this is bad. When you allegedly have the potential of having up to 300,000 people in such a crime ridden City and nowhere near enough security, this is a melting pot for disaster. By the way, the police command center will be at the Salisbury Police parking lot and their security people will not be allowed to walk the event under cover. The event organizer stated they'll need to remain in the SPD parking lot. 

Finally, the City is planning on forcing the public to pull a permit for ANY protests at this event. The City is now proposing emergency legislation for this permit. Homeland Security is very concerned about these protests and they're not at all comfortable with how poorly this event has been managed. They cannot provide a professional assessment of this event until NEXT YEAR. 

IF you are concerned, (safety wise) about attending this event, according to Homeland Security, DON'T GO! God Forbid something were to happen, you're sitting ducks. 

Not enough food, volunteers, water, security, shelter, sniper protection, electric, parking, it's a disaster just waiting to happen and a perfect opportunity for criminal activity. You have to wonder, did Jake request a one year deployment right after this event takes place???


  1. Whoa! The city hired a professional to manage this event. Wasn't security at the very top of the list from the get-go?

    1. Ha. OHare? Professional? Lmao

  2. Way to go Folk Festival coordinator who's been there for almost a year bravo. How much was Caroline O’Hare's salary again? O yea more than the Folk Festival revenue will ever be.

  3. You guys in that town are a joke. It was your election to loose. Sorry but you get what you deserve. You have allowed and voted. To place the greedy Good Ole Boys and liberal idiots in charge. Can say i saw this coming? It blows my mind as i watch from a distance since the zoo days you all never learn. I guess you cant fix STUPID!! Just think how bad it would be if it was not for the awesome blog. Our LOCAL WATCHDOG. Joe does a fantastic job of exposing facts previously hidden with help from our local MSM lapdogs. We are witnessing what happens when you place inexperienced, incompetent morons and community organziners buffon types in positions of authority.

    What Salisbury needs is someone who can MSGA. That is.. If it ever was!

  4. That's what they get when they didn't have a professional like JOE ALBERO in charge. Was ur election to lose...

  5. Your a hater joe.

    1. Um....it’s “you’re” not “your”. “You’re” is the contraction for “you are”. You’re an idiot.

  6. But the big question is if they only have parking for 5000 how many of these spots will be taken up by port a pots? My mistake these pots will be everywhere for shelter in place locations

  7. Just more sour grapes Joe.....who needs Homeland Security for a Folk Festival? It will be a great even like everything else Mayor Day does for the City of Salisbury!

    1. Obama Crooked BastardoJuly 13, 2018 at 12:42 PM

      Whoa! One Truly Delusional Liberal Snowflake. So, after you get done drinking Jake's Brainwash Cool-Aid, could you tell us about those "great achievements" by Boy Mayor? Is the "Ride Orange Renta-A-Bike in da Bury" Project on top of the list? What a bunch of clowns! SMH & LMAO

  8. 7:24, I'll bet good money you say that about President Trump too. We are businessmen with wisdom and experience. When you have someone in office with absolutely no business experience and a staff that is clueless, this is what you get. Quite frankly, there are a select few of you that will support Day on anything. The event would be incredible if it had been planned out years in advance. I've been stating from day one that this event will flop. Any parent who brings their children into a melting pot like this will have NO excuses when and if something bad does happen. Heck, they don't even have enough water for everyone. Mind you, the executives from this Folk Festival event should've known after visiting this event doesn't have what is necessary but I'm confident Day told them the County would help out and they were sold. County taxpayers should not have to pay for security for a Salisbury event, period. The Sheriff's Department is overwhelmed with the staff they have now, let alone sticking it to that department for several days. Get this too, Day will hold a training class for ALL the volunteers for TWO days before the event takes place. That means very little training AND the FACT that the volunteers will have to ADD an additional two days to their commitment, (6 days total). You are NOT going to get 800 volunteers to commit to six days away from their jobs. Come on now, it's not about hate. It's about logistics, period.

  9. 7:37, you can't be serious. Day is claiming there will be 300,000 people attending this event. Homeland Security isn't shutting down this event. Day was requested to bring them in from the beginning. Aside from that, Governor Hogan will be there and Homeland Security participates in making sure events like these are secure for the Governor, let alone the public. You Liberals will say anything, (even as stupid as your statement is) and not give a damn about public safety. Then you point a finger at ME for bringing it to the public's attention. Yeah, it was your election to lose, that's for sure. You cannot wing it. The mere fact YOU and the Mayor couldn't care less about public safety truly baffles me. THINK, if something were to happen and Homeland Security warned Day in advance, taxpayers will be liable for the massive lawsuits because they were warned.

  10. Yes, Salisbury was a great place at one time. When you elect and hire inexperienced, non-qualifying applicants year after year, you are bound to go down. It is very sad to see after living here in the good years.
    Simple solution......there will be money lost to nip it in the bud, but even much more money saved by doing so. Just the humble opinion of a inexperienced, non- qualifying life long citizen. Don't vote for someone because you think they are a nice person, vote for the one that knows how to do the job.

  11. Just for us folks who are scratching our heads over 7:37's comment, please list the "great things" Mayor Day has done for Salisbury.

    While you're at it, list the "great things" Jack Heath has done as council president.

  12. 1. Don't worry- if anything goes wrong, folks have those little orange bike with which to escape.

    2. I still think this was a bad idea by a cabal of liberals- Liberal Lora from the Ward Museum talked to Liberal Jake Day and they talked to the Liberals at Delmarva Public Radio and they patted each other on the back and convinced themselves that this would be a good idea... without thinking it through. This post makes it obvious now.

  13. I don't understand this statement - "By the way, the police command center will be at the Salisbury Police parking lot and their security people will not be allowed to walk the event under cover."

    I have gone to Musikfest in Bethlehem PA, the largest Music Festival in the Country, since its inception in 1984, and it is a 10 day festival.

    They have 24 hour security. They have cops on horses, cops walking the grounds and cops on bikes, cops in cars, and cops undercover.

    So why can't security people walk the festival?

    Sad that no one here thought to seek advice from the people in Bethlehem.

  14. Gotta love the 'hater' 'sour grapes' comments. The problem with you people is you don't use your brains. It's debatable if you even have any. Sby is not at it's time and place to host something like this. Same as you dopes getting yourselves all jazzed up over the other asinine idea of Headquarters Live the 'music venue.' How did that idiotic idea turn out for you people? Just like the intelligent realistic people on this site said it would-it crashed. And just like HQ Live this folk festival is going to be a cluster even with the few who do show and we will be here to tell you Told You So just like with HQ Live. Start making up excuses now why the festival is going to be a failure because you are going to need them.

  15. Furthermore- the "peace, love, and Frisbees" liberals are incapable of thinking about security. It's not in their nature- let everyone across the border, it'l be fine- "those nice people won't hurt us if we just all join hands and sing Micheal row you boat ashore....."

  16. As Joe always says it and I will say it again, you all get what you pay for, or in this case voted for!!!! Quit your bitches, you laid out your hand now deal with it, shot you damn childish complaining like you adult children continue to do... Man up and face the fact that you either are just stupid or you made a mistake voting for this Piece of trash, and for demonizing people like me or Joe who wanted to ONLY INFORM you that this would be the outcome of this mayor... And guess what, we were right, yet again!!!!

    At this point I am sick of being right all of the time... Since I am right all of the time in this regards, it saddens me to know we are headed to hell in a hand basket, because people like you, the average citizen just doesn't seem to care about anything and then all of a sudden you are affected it, as we tell you you will always be, and then you want to do something about it, and oops to late as usual...

  17. We've gotten 2 letters in the mail from the "National Folk Festival". Asking for $1000.00 donations, second one endorsed by the "great" Marty Neat" I think he is at First Shore federal. AND were contacted as to if we were willing to rent our house to attendees for the 4 day period!
    Heck no to both.

  18. Line the city with jersey barriers that will take care of it.

  19. Cops in uniform don't add to the fun of events like this. And for some people (particularly the more tender Liberals), just seeing a uniform is a trigger that just ruins the day for them.

    1. and if something should happen will these tender Liberals want to see uniforms after the fact or complain nothing was done?

    2. Go hire pink Snowflake security and cry to them when you get stomped uyou commie.

  20. I'm grateful this has happened and is stopped. It's obvious Day, glanz and especially this Ohare couple don't have a clue. TgeiT main objective is to bring new York's socialist democratic beliefs here to the eastern shore. Dan Ohare's newest pipe dream is to build a 10,000 acre state park on the eastern shore. He, his wife, and their butt buddies now have gotten wind of some of the county tourism stats and declared tourism as the areas number one industry. They literally want to now force farmers out of business and take their land. This all comes at a starting price of 50 million and up. Where do these idiots think all this money comes from??

  21. Not claiming anything but I have been involved with events of 2,500/3,500 people that runs very well NOW but the first issue we had was help as time went on it was help volunteers that made it happen smoothly once it goes bad you can not bring it back I'm afraid the Festival is doomed before it gets going. Anyone with even small event experience can see this and just so everyone knows this is not a dig on Salisbury but an obvious observation. There are soooooo many red flags they are in no way prepared to handle.

  22. Joe you only complain. As of yet, we have never seen a pic of you riding Sby's orange transport sharebikes. Positive vibes only, please!!

    1. 9:37- what a truly moronic comment. Come back down to earth!

  23. ‘sniper protection’???

    1. Yeah, ever hear of a little event called "Las Vegas?" Kinda wouldn't want that to happen here.

  24. As a lifelong resident of Wicomico County and of course Salisbury; it saddens me to see what continues to happen regarding the leadership. Our city is in distress because we haven't had good leadership for far too long.

  25. Look what is already up in the top 5 posts of the week. Now that's impressive!

  26. Boy Mayor - the floor is once again yours! Speak now for help cuz we're less than 2 months away!

  27. Let fake day get Stomped and let him fail on his own.

  28. Jakies minions are all over the comments here today!

  29. Jake Day you're a clown. Cancel the event and count the cost you loser!

  30. I wonder if they're still trying to make the entire area, from booze river to rt 13 an open container zone? There's now way could go wrong....

  31. On top of all the incompetence and buffoonery about this absurd event, there's the gross waste of tax dollars that should be put to much better use.

    Salisbury has become the bad joke of the State of Maryland under Barrie, Liarton and now this bozo.

    If he persists in holding the festival, lets hope that a potential hurricane causes it to be cancelled before the town becomes a public cesspool for several days and probably much longer after the event ends.

  32. Easy solution.......reach out to the gangs that will be robbing, assaulting, stealing from, raping potential attendee's; allow each a territory to establish, and either charge them a flat fee or a % of whatever they steal to provide security.
    If nothing else, this potential disaster will bring media coverage to Salisbury, The Crossroads of Delmarva. From parents of potential SU students to area business's to economic development, surely all will 'benefit' from this exposure.

  33. Lawyers are already lining up to handle the lawsuits that will be forthcoming.

    1. Jake day and his commie socialist Traitors want chaos so they can riot and steal.

  34. Joe let the riots happen and hopefully he is the middle of it he can use his social commie words to beg for help.

  35. Hope they're not counting on Main Street being done for this year's festival.

  36. Sad as it is we learned first hand with Las Vegas how important it is to be proactive when it comes to large gatherings anymore. Anything Homeland Security says should be followed to the T. Salisbury isn't on anyone map as a destination but we don't want it known for a nightmare like happened in Las Vegas.

  37. This is what everyone has been saying on this blog since the news of a festival first got out. We all said the exact same things Homeland Security has pointed out in the area it is to be held the Presidents Neighborhood was told over 5 years ago that this area was the 2nd to Delaware Ave in crime! Just check calls for police in this area, they will give the info to you. Forced entry break-ins were just 5 years ago averaging 29 per month! That's not to mention other more serious crimes murder, rape, and battery. WAKE UP JAKE SUPPORTERS you are following a bafoon of a mayor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  38. LOL I know right!!! Obama Crooked Bastardo. These people are so low in their goals and expectations that it is nauseating. Absolutely nauseating. Day has not one accomplishment to his name unless you count bike trails, bikes, and useless things like that as achievement. Real achievements are bringing in livable wage paying jobs. Getting the homeownership rate up. The poverty level lower and people off entitlements. That's achievements. Its a shame that Day's cheerleaders have allowed themselves to become nothing but tools. Programmed tools repeating what is nothing more then their lies. If any had 2 working brain cells (an any morals and honesty) they would be embarrassed by what they are saying.

  39. I'm sure Joe's laughing it up at all the idiots who voted for Day.

  40. 7:17 if you had a brain and had been reading the replys to this Festival for the last 6 mos you would know this boy mayor ran unopposed ! If all of you citizens of this city and county had voted he would not have gotten in, or if some of you with more toilet training than Jake would have ran for office against him he would not have gotten in! So put the blame on low voter turn out everyone has a mouth now but why didn't you vote!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. If YOU had a brain, you wouldn’t make a stupid comment like “If all of you citizens of this city and county had voted he would not have gotten in”. County residents can’t vote in city elections moron!!

  41. Joe, I am not sure how you got the DHS assessment but, if it is true, this is a potential legal nightmare for Salisbury. If the City has in fact been warned by DHS about the potential risk of insufficient security measures/assets/infrastructure any incident, regardless of scale or type will be indefensible. I would assume the City has gotten a special insurance rider for this event however based on the recommendations from DHS I would assume the insurance carrier will withdraw coverage. You would have to question if a "Hostile Event" occurs would the court not only find the City negligent but based on the DHS recommendation potential Grossly Negligent.
    Planning an event of this magnitude requires a TEAM of highly skilled people with experience in dealing with a variety of "All Hazard" events. When I first heard about this event was coming to Salisbury I assumed a comprehensive threat assessment was done and a complete emergency operations plan was developed with annex's covering all of the potential threats.
    I keeping thinking to myself, WOW DHS says don't do it. Identifying proximate cause in a negligence claim should be pretty easy.

  42. It doesn't matter how many people voted for Jake (probably not that many) because there was nobody running against him.

  43. This city has turned into a Liberal Snowflake cesspool just what Soros wanted look at Baltimore.

  44. WOW, this is now the number 2 post of the entire week.

    1. Joe step away just let fake day Fail on his own he is use too it lol.

  45. Hey Joe, if you think this post generated a lot of responses, wait until you deliver the REAL stories come Sep.7-9. The crimes will be non-stop, and the failure colossal. Can you keep up with it all?

  46. Check the website https://www.nationalfolkfestival.com. Nothing has been updated but sponsors. Nothing listing performers, nothing under the plan your visit tab linking hotels and restraunts etc so we can make all that tourism revenue??? Less than 2 months to go an no info C'mon Man

    1. ECI is sending up inmate Rap Artists to entertain

  47. Is it too late to back out. Probably a penalty but should cost less than lawsuits; crime, etc. Then impeach. Now I sound like a Democrat. Impeah, impeach now.

  48. So now what's the Bottom Line. Is it a no go or not...

  49. Lying to people is a "pattern and practice" of Salisbury government and especially the police department. A Wicomico judge said so... here's the link


    The City of Salisbury and its insurance company are approaching $1million in settlements as a direct result of Barbara Duncan's ineptitude. Perhaps if the small Camden and St. Francis crowd who keep her employed knew her true cost to their bottom line, they'd reconsider their support. There were hundreds of thousands paid in the cases cited above. Then there's the prisoner who died in their custody that they are completely covering up. Pretty sure that was a nice pay day for the family. "Approaching $1million" is not an exaggeration. She should be held personally responsible for that bill except that Jake Day owns it too. At what point does the city council step in and ask why we are continuing to pay substantial costs for her incompetence? O... they probably don't know because it's being hidden from everyone even the courts. Someone should pursue public records requests on the in custody death and on ALL of Officer Aita's arrests. There were many more incidents that didn't conclude with litigation but that gave ample warning to the police department that he needed additional supervision and training. Can anyone say "negligent retention" or "deliberate indifference"? Almost $1million just in Barbara Duncan settlements. Think about what that could be used for in this town.

  50. Anyone besides me notice that liberals never consider the unintended consequences of their brilliant ideas and programs. Never!

  51. With tens of thousands coming, almost every hotel in town still has rooms available.

  52. September 7-9 I am getting the Folk out of town!

  53. 3:15 Joe lived in Delmar and ran for mayor. You can vote or run for city position by renting a cheap apt. and "becoming" a city resident. Stop calling names just because you are not smart enough to figure out how to be part of the solution rather than the problem.

  54. 6:38 Those hippie types will be sleeping in their cars/vans/Rvs. They don't spend money o9n hotels or showers.

  55. 7:43, Let me clarify something here. I OWN a home in Delmar. At the time I also OWNED a building on the Downtown Plaza in Salisbury. I also own homes in Ocean City and even Powellville. I am a Maryland resident with a Maryland Driver's License and have been for several years. I move from Delmar to Maryland more then a year in advance of the Salisbury election, totally legal. I was deemed qualified as you know Ireton, (liberals) challenged that. They could NOT formally challenge it but the local media LIED and twisted it, (without any investigating) by using other peoples quotes accusing me of being a Delaware resident. I'd show reporters my Maryland Driver's License at every opportunity and they ignored it because they are all Fake News.

    I was a part of the "solution". Unlike 99.9% of you, I put my money where my mouth is and I ran for office. I have proven time and time again that I walk the walk. Thank God I was not elected, believe me on that. For $25,000.00 a year and all the aggravation that job brings and the condition the City was left in and continues to be, you can have it.

    No one here is going to be a part of the solution. No one here is MAN enough.

    1. Great points Joe

      We would vote for you as Mayor

      You are very responsible....


  56. Let it be heard now & here. I'd best NOT be held liable for any mishaps regarding this festival. I'm opposed to it from the beginning & have said so. I will not participate in any way. Any money from me is taken through illegal, unnecessary fees. None voluntary!

  57. hired volunteers. doesn't that make them employees?

  58. AGAIN; what is going to happen now? Is this still a go or no?

  59. It's going on as scheduled.

  60. Well it looks like the wife of Progressive State Delegate candidate Dan O'Hairless screwed this Folk Festival abortion up again.

    Stupid woman. Was working a peon job at Wicomico Day School and Jake "Gay" Day picked her as the most qualified?? What an idiot he is.

    He picks the most unqualified people to run city positions where experience matters.

  61. Here are some losers with minimal to no experience Jake Day picked for key positions in Salisbury.

    Loser Leaders of Jake Day:
    Julie Glanz
    Andy Kitzrow
    Allison Pulcher
    Caroline O'Hare
    Rick Hoppes
    John Tull

    Isn't that scary

    1. Keystone cops get more accomplished....

      than these city clowns

  62. Anonymous said...
    Whoa! The city hired a professional to manage this event. Wasn't security at the very top of the list from the get-go?

    July 13, 2018 at 7:00 AM

    You can't be serious?? I hope you are not referring to Caroline O'Hare as being the professional to manage the Folk Festival? She was working a minimum wage job at Wicomico Day School before Jake Day hired her. Another one of Jakes Circle of Progressive Friends that he has hired. She has NO EXPERIENCE and she is just a liberal Socialist like her husband Dan O'Hare.

  63. Anonymous said...
    Anyone besides me notice that liberals never consider the unintended consequences of their brilliant ideas and programs. Never!

    July 14, 2018 at 12:49 AM

    Yes, that's a given!

  64. Anonymous said...
    3:15 Joe lived in Delmar and ran for mayor. You can vote or run for city position by renting a cheap apt. and "becoming" a city resident. Stop calling names just because you are not smart enough to figure out how to be part of the solution rather than the problem.

    July 14, 2018 at 7:43 AM

    At least he owned property in Salisbury and he did it legally.

    Funny how you Libtard, Progressive Douche Bags forget about your idols like Maxine Waters and Hillary Clinton who don't even live in the Districts they were elected in. Stupid Progressives!

  65. Anonymous said...
    If YOU had a brain, you wouldn’t make a stupid comment like “If all of you citizens of this city and county had voted he would not have gotten in”. County residents can’t vote in city elections moron!!

    July 13, 2018 at 8:45 PM

    You wanna bet? I am a county resident and I voted. Against Jake Day. I wrote in Homer Simpson. I live in the city of Salisbury and the last time I checked the city of Salisbury is in Wicomico County. Therefore I and many others get to vote in city and county elections.

    Don't be stupid all your life.

    1. Since then person separated the city and county in their comment, they were talking about two separate entities. Learn English.

  66. Ben in Wicomico CountyJuly 15, 2018 at 2:49 PM

    Having attended numerous festivals and knowing several highly successful Managers and Owners of events it was not hard to realize it was way to much for an inexperienced person/staff to handle I hope it stops before it goes any further. Of course there will be the ever present locals who perform and go about their way, not bad but if I wanted a true "world music" festival I would expect more than songs we've heard repeatedly. Not putting down local because they are very good so maybe just do a local fest which is a lot more realistic

  67. Not doubting this post, but would like to see something from the DHS to confirm details -- and hopefully get local pressure started to cancel this fiasco before it happens (and also to counter the BS from City Hall that the post is fake news).

  68. Let's NOT FORGET the expense for the nice little entourage Jake day took to see "first hand" the folk festival operations last year. What was it 20 people or so all expenses paid by the city?? Somebody with any significant assets they don't want to end up totally worthless better stand up and try to fix this. What the hell is Randy Day and Perdue farms say about ALL this negligence and reckless behavior?? Isn't Purdue corporate sponsorship

  69. Nobody is supervising the department heads or city of salisbury supervision. Wasn't this one of the "crucial" reasons Tom Stevenson went along to observe the festival last year in North Carolina?? So he could gather all necessary information on the maintenance side of the festival preparation? What a freaking side show

  70. Wow

    I wonder how much money it will cost to rebuild Salisbury

    After this Fu## Fest?

    Woman raped

    Buildings and businesses burned

    Homes broken into and people killed

    Wow.....just Wow

  71. 1:07 You are the idiot that can't comprehend simple English. The original post states that a person can rent an apartment in the city limits and become an eligible voter or candidate. All you can do is call people names.

  72. The Salisbury Festival (or whatever they "rebranded" it) always sucked as far as participation and attendance... who on earth would bring a national festival here? The selection committee must have been drunk. Maybe they went to 3rd Friday and played beer pong with Jake & Co before signing on the dotted line. What an unmitigated mess this is/will be. Something that requires this magnitude of city resources and funds should be something that the people actually WANT to happen. Jake the Jerk failed again.

  73. Is Jake Day going to endorse Ben Jealous or Larry Hogan?

  74. The question was will Day support Hogan? I imagine Hogan will distance himself from Day based on this mess!!!!!

  75. If you read the extensive packet for Food Vendors it specifically says attendance is projected to be between 60,000-80,000. So you have all these vendors purchase enough food to feed 60,000 and only 30,000 show up???? That's a huge loss for the vendors.

  76. When are you going to break the other big story Joe? How Jack Heath's plan when/if he elected his plan to shut down certain local volunteer fire departments and renig on the fire agreement with the city and give all that money back to the SFD. I guess we don't get that story because you are a Heath supporter? I figured you would be all over that!! No one with any sense cares about Jake Day anymore that city is doomed!! Sounds like the county may be headed in the same direction.

    1. Heard he even sent letters to several local fire chiefs saying he didn't say it in "public", but didnt deny it was indeed said. Apparently he already has a list of volunteer departments he plans to close? Any truth to any of this Joe. All the daily times does is cover who has more campaign contributions Help us out!!


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