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Monday, July 30, 2018

Ridicule, Not Reasoned Debate, Is the Best Medicine for Political Cults

U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley recently told a high school audience that conservatives shouldn’t delight in “owning the libs” –– i.e. triggering a progressive into a hysterical response that you proceed to make fun of. Instead, we should be “persuading” progs with reasoned argument and “bringing people around to your point of view,” as Haley said.

In that way, we make a convert rather than energize partisans into clinging more tightly to their beliefs and voting to empower them.

Having spent more than 40 years in the incubators of today’s leftist nonsense, universities, I am skeptical about the power of reasoned argument among today’s ill-educated students. Most of their teachers, like most progressives, are pretty much immune to reason, evidence, and coherent argument, little of which makes it into their courses. As the old gag goes, arguing with a leftist is like playing chess with a pigeon: It knocks over the pieces, craps on the board, then struts around like it won the game. Reasoned argument cuts no ice when confronted with the irrational caprices and gratifying passions of human beings.

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  1. civil war , I know so

  2. I love the pigeon analogy. Pretty much nailed it.
    Logic has no part in most of their arguments. It's like they can be smart and logical in so many aspects of their lives, but when politics come up, it's like a switch gets thrown in their cerebrum and their hippocampus takes over. They get a look in their eye, and all logic stops as emotions take over.

  3. I've never heard a reasoned argument out of a Lib. "Never Trump" says it all.


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