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Monday, July 30, 2018

Ashley Kavanaugh's Emails Combed for Attack Points

The New York Times and Associated Press have both reportedly filed public information requests in Maryland to comb through emails Ashley Kavanaugh — wife of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh — sent as town manager for her tiny neighborhood in Chevy Chase.

The AP requested "all emails sent or received" by Kavanaugh's Village of Chevy Chase email address, while the Times asks for "any emails to or from Ms. Kavanaugh that contain any of the keywords or terms listed below."

The Times list includes politically-charged words like "liberal," "abortion," "gay," and "federalist"...

Ashley Kavanaugh is manager for the section of Chevy Chase where the Kavanaugh family lives in Maryland, with responsibilities that include organizing the neighborhood's Fourth of July parade, a two-block long procession that ends with a barbecue.

More here

[Can you say "d-e-s-p-e-r-a-t-e"? --Editor]


  1. OMG!!!!!!!!!! The demmys are as desperate as they have ever looked!!!

  2. Desperate is exactly what they are. Desperate and Stupid.

  3. This is disgusting and no doubt instigated by A-hole Schumer and Dirty Dick Durbin and their ilk, such as Warren, Wyden, Booker, Sanders, etc. At least we don't have to listen to Franken this time.

    The more I learn about the Judge and his wife, the more I like them and understand why the Democrat elite can't abide such amazing and solid citizens.

    If Curran and Van Hollen don't vote to confirm this Maryland resident for a seat on the Supreme Court, they should be impeached!


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