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Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Rand Paul: Russia Is Always Going To Meddle In Our Elections, Just Like We’re Going To Meddle In Theirs

Russia meddled in the 2016 election in part as a retaliation against the U.S. influencing elections in eastern Europe, Kentucky Republican Sen. Rand Paul said Sunday.

“I think really we mistake our response if we think it’s about accountability from the Russians,” Paul told Jake Tapper on CNN’s “State of the Union. “They are going to spy on us, do spy on us. They are going to interfere in our elections, we also do the same,” Paul said.

The comments, which come just a day before President Donald Trump is scheduled to meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Helsinki, show a realism that neither staunch Republicans or Democrats discuss, which is that Russia attempted various hacking and disinformation campaigns surrounding the 2016 election to discredit former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

“I would say it’s not morally equivalent,” Paul said of Russia’s election meddling relating to America’s campaigns to influence foreign elections. “But I think in [Russia’s] mind it is. It’s important to know in your adversary’s mind the way they perceive thing. They react to our interference in their elections and one of the reasons they didn’t like Hillary Clinton, they found her responsible for some of the activity by the U.S. in their elections under the [Former President Barack] Obama administration,” Paul said.



  1. Joe who is paying for these billboards with Jake Day and the School System on them? Click on the link to see it. There is one just south of How Sweet it is. As a matter of fact it may be on the Somerset County side.

    What is this love affair with Jake Day and the School board. I hope this isn't a picture of successful people in Wicomico County because the jobless Jake Day is only making $25,000 per year as a part time mare.


  2. the demonrats would never admit this. but yes we are just as rotten as those the dems rant about.

  3. Rand Paul is spot on. Finally some truth and common sense.

  4. This is not new news. Been going on forever and we knew that at least the ones who are awake..Its a deception by the deep state to discredit trump

  5. Didn't Obama admit at one time that we tried to influence election results in the middle east? Was it Israel? Iran?
    But when the Russians do it, it's Trumps fault.

  6. We have had our nose in everyone else's business for years. How many countries have we tried to influence for years? Why would they be surprised that Russia tried influencing things here. Maybe its time we remove some of the troops we have all over the world and mind our own business.


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