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Tuesday, July 17, 2018

HuffPost Germany Writer Calls For Replacing Germans With Migrants to Stop Populism

Leftist wants to abolish ethnic Germans to create “diverse” utopia

A writer for Huffington Post Germany has openly called for German citizens to be replaced with foreign migrants in order to stop the rise of populism.

The article, which was posted on Monday, is entitled Repeople us! Why the German people should be abolished (translation) .

Writer Veit Lindner asserts that to stop the momentum of the “new right,” “it would actually be best to just replace” the German people with foreigners.

“Attention, Germans! Fall in for comprehensive repeopling!” he writes, before going on to welcome, “Black, brown, yellow, white, Asians and Arabs, Africans, you people from America, India, people of all faiths – come and help us! Stream in and repeople us, but thoroughly!”


  1. And so it begins SOROS SOROS SOROS.

  2. We are going to have to find out who these left wingnut Progressives are that keep trying to change our way of like and eradicate them. If it's your family member, tough titty, you should have raised them better.

  3. Forced integration, like the rotten apple in the barrel rots the rest.

  4. Time to confront those Progressive Snowflakes like Jake Burdette, Jared Schablein, Pastor John Wright, James Yamakawa, Michael Feldman, Jamaal Gould, Seamus Ben, Michele Gregory and others affiliated with the Lower Shore Progressive Caucus and show them who is Boss.

  5. We shoulg replace Huffington post with real news.

  6. That country will noy be named Germany. It will receive a new name: HELL.

  7. Be careful here this was tried once and did not pan out well. It will fail again because this is being lead by luciferians not God.

    Another act of God that created diversity occurred at the Tower of Babel (Genesis 11:9). Humankind was clustered together, and God wanted them to “be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth” (Genesis 9:1). To expedite their obedience, He confused their languages, making it impossible for them to work together. From there, humanity spread out across the earth, and people with the same language remained together. Over time, cultures, races, and regional dialects emerged and resulted in the diversity we now know.

  8. Germany already tried to abolish certain German citizens of Jewish descent.

  9. I want to know what happens to all the nukes that Germany, England, France have when the migrants take control of the countries in the next few years?


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