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Tuesday, July 24, 2018


President Trump’s approval rating jumped up to 45 percent, the highest it has been throughout his presidency, according to a new poll released by the Wall Street Journal and NBC. The poll left an MSNBC panel shocked Sunday night by the improvement.

“President Trump has shown throughout his campaign and polling what I took away from the 2016 election is the American people authenticity,” said Kevin McLaughlin of Cogent Strategies Principle. “May not like what authenticity is, what he’s saying or how he’s doing it, but he doesn’t back down from it. When he goes out and does these events, I will call them, it actually helps him in fly over country.”

“He defies political gravity,” he continued.

“So is he right when he basically says he ‘can walk down Fifth Avenue and shoot people’ and people would still stand with him?” asked host Kasie Hunt.

According to the poll, President Trump’s approval rating was up one point from the month of June, at 45 percent.

88 percent of the Republicans surveyed approved of the job the president is doing.



  1. Expect late night TV to explode tonight with the "Bunker Hill" comment.Please don't defend that.It's just too funny.

  2. I'm 74 years old.
    I've been through many Presidential campaigns listening to the exact same promises and assurances from politicians every four years.
    Going back to Ike, if every promise was kept by all those people, we'd be living in Nirvana.
    I'm so glad that I've lived long enough to see a leader that actually means it, acts on it, and accomplishes the promises that he made.
    It took a non-politician to do that.

  3. Lol. It's so funny how much they just don't get it. It's not about what Trump is. It's about what he is not. It's about how corrupt and out of touch the left, the main stream media, and the establishment Republicans are. Regardless of what Trump is, he is NOT them, and that's what matters.

  4. “So is he right when he basically says he ‘can walk down Fifth Avenue and shoot people’ and people would still stand with him?” asked host Kasie Hunt.

    Yes he is right Kasie.
    I'm with him
    Not her ...lol

  5. The media doesn't get it. Despite Trump being a billionaire, he's one of us against the government swamp dwellers that think they own us.

  6. Joe Biden can’t begin to defy any gravity yet Democrats see him as what voters may want in 2020. That tells where they are and why Trump is admired.

  7. Trump is the MAN!!!!!

  8. Because he is keeping campaign promises unlike politicians elected for years.

  9. I watched CBS news this morning and it was non-stop BS about Trump's lawyers and Stormy Daniels and they just never let up it was pathetic. Those A-Holes are desperate to try and find anything to make President Trump look bad all the while making them selves look like fools.


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