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Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Nancy Pelosi, DCCC Push Blatant Lies In Fundraising Emails

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) — the official campaign arm of House Democrats — are pushing blatant misinformation in fundraising emails to supporters.

“I will NOT allow Putin to set foot in the United States. I need 100,000 signatures to BLOCK his visit and keep our elections safe. I need you to sign before midnight,” Pelosi told Democratic voters in a DCCC fundraising email sent out on Sunday.
Nancy Pelosi misleads supporters in a DCCC fundraising email
Nancy Pelosi misleads supporters in a DCCC fundraising email
That email followed a similar one on Saturday that falsely claimed 50,000 signatures on a DCCC “petition” would “block” Russian President Vladimir Putin’s expected visit — at Trump’s invitation — to the United States in the fall.


  1. The signature validation also calls for a donation to the cause for those who are sucked in.

  2. They are failures hanging onto the last straw. Slip, slipping away.

  3. Dumbocrats cannot win elections without cheating lying and stealing.

    Dumbocrats are evil garbage that are infecting this country.

  4. The sad part is that so many of them will believe the crap she's shoveling in their direction.

  5. Like this should come as any surprise to anyone. There isn't a democrat alive who is an honest decent person. They are all liars and the lowest form of life. There isn't one dead or alive who has ever contributed anything positive to society. They are all nothing but a big smelly stain on the country. If the lying wastes of oxygen were all to suddenly disappear from the face of the earth the world would become Heaven on earth.

  6. 7:26 so you won't be voting for any Democrats in November?


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