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Thursday, July 12, 2018

Oberlin College Faces ‘Negative’ Rating by Credit Agencies Due to ‘Declining Enrollment’

New reports suggest that social justice haven Oberlin College is facing a myriad of financial issues.

Oberlin College in Ohio is notorious for its over-emphasis on social justice politics. It’s the alma mater of social justice icon Lena Dunham, who once published an art video that celebrated the “extinction of white men.” In 2015, Oberlin students accused their school of “cultural appropriation” over accuracy issues with certain cultural dishes that were offered in the dining hall. In December 2017, a local business claimed that Oberlin administrators slandered them by calling them racist for prosecuting alleged shoplifters.

Now, Oberlin College is facing “negative” ratings from credit agencies. At the end of June, the Bond Buyer reported that Oberlin was facing financial issues as a result of decreased enrollment.

More here


  1. Lena Dunham went to college?

  2. Self destructive.


  3. Oberlin used to be one of the quality liberal arts colleges that dotted Ohio. IIRC they also had a highly thought of music program. But even the golden goose eventually runs out of eggs. Maybe they can hire Bernie Sanders' wife to really drive it under!


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