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Thursday, July 12, 2018

Look at the Salary and benefits. They wonder why schools are in bad shape.

Balt. Co. interim superintendent is approved for next school year

Despite weeks of fiery debate, there was little fanfare Tuesday night when the Baltimore County School Board named Verletta White as its interim superintendent.

By a vote of 9-2, the board approved a $273,000 contract for White along with an all expenses paid automobile and a $450 monthly technology allowance.

The new contract will run until June 30, 2019. Board members have yet to indicate its future plans.



  1. The previous superintendant was recently sentenced to six-months in jail after pleading guilty to four perjury charges. He was charged with hiding payments for consulting work he received for years, including from a firm that represents school system contractors.

    The same firm also had been paying White as a consultant, resulting in the ethics violation that led Salmon (the State Superintendant of Schools) to not approve her as the next permanent superintendent for Baltimore County.

  2. "...a $273,000 contract for White along with an all expenses paid automobile and a $450 monthly technology allowance."

    Earning that much money you should be able to afford your own car and WTF is a technology allowance. At $450 a month you could afford a new smart phone, tablet, laptop and computer every 6 months.


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