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Friday, July 20, 2018

Obama gets too, too cute when he warns of dictators and liars

President Obama is in South Africa for a speech, and somehow, in the speech he gave, he showed himself to be so clueless about the "strongman" he warned about that he never realized that he described how he ran the U.S. for eight years.

Here is what CNN reported:

Former US President Barack Obama mounted a passionate defense of democracy and warned against the rise of "strongman politics[.]" ...

Obama criticized populist movements toward authoritarianism around the world and ridiculed the "utter loss of shame among political leaders" who lie.

"The politics of fear and resentment and retrenchment began to appear. And that kind of politics is now on the move.["]



  1. The brainwashed left will defend that imposter to the end.

  2. He was simply an Affirmative-Action president! As with most Affirmative-Action appointments, his caused damage by performance that will take a while to recover from. Thankfully, the failed race-based experiment was not followed by a gender-based experiment...that would have resulted in a double-whammy that most likely would have caused another civil war in this country!

  3. 11:31 --PERFECT!!!

  4. This coming from the King of the Executive Order.

  5. Obama said this week that he's the first American President to come from Kenya.

    Guess he's claiming Kenyan citizenship. What a lying loser.

    1. Running from coming indictments!


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