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Friday, July 20, 2018

CNN Commentator Praises Cop Killer Who Fled To Cuba After Escaping From Prison In The 1980s

CNN’s commentator Marc Lamont Hill posted a photo on Instagram praising Assata Shakur, a woman convicted of killing a law enforcement officer back in 1977, in an Instagram post on Monday.

“She wrote the second book that changed (and saved) my life. She taught me about the value and power of Freedom Dreams,” Lamont Hill wrote.

“I pray for her continued safety and protection. I continue to work to demonstrate her innocence. And I implore the State to stop prosecuting an unjust and unfair campaign against one of our most treasured Freedom Fighters,” he continued.



  1. They are BOTH worthless dirt bags !!!

  2. Iwhat amazes me is he is married too a white woman but all he does is bash whites ? He needs to be Fired.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Trump needs to have here ass brought back here .

  5. Kaepernick, the failed San Fran QB, donated to this POS charity.

  6. what a POS - if you hate this country SO much go back to where you came from, or find another place...

  7. Being her back and let the cops family take care of her and eye for a eye.


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