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Monday, July 02, 2018

Nolte: CNN’s Jim Acosta Caught on Video Manufacturing Very Fake News

CNN anti-Trump activist Jim Acosta was caught on video Friday not only engaging in shameless grandstanding, but in the actual act of manufacturing fake news.

In the video embedded below, Acosta is present at a White House event where President Trump delivered remarks about the five journalists murdered in Maryland on Thursday. As you will see, though, Acosta is clearly too far away to be seen or heard by the president.

Nevertheless, although there is no way he will be heard, Acosta drops all pretense of professionalism to still holler a question to the president: “Will you stop calling the press the enemy of the people, sir?”

In other words, Acosta knows Trump cannot hear him, but like a heckler out to spoil the moment for everyone else, he still screams his question at him.



  1. What an absolute and total putz. This loser needs to be barred from the White House with all the shenanigans he pulls. How can no one see his biased and utter hatred for our President! Karma, Jim, karma is coming your way.....


  2. Those who chose to see his Tweets are recaptioning them as 'Dear Diary'. See Instapundit or Twitchy for mocking of this self-important idiot. Makes for a good laugh. ala 'Dear Diary, Today I tried to get the President to answer a question and he ignored me'.

  3. Typical ANTIFA supporter.

    ANTIFA Wicomico members were at the Worcester County Jail yesterday protesting ICE. The Reverend John Wright got arrested for trying to attack a counter-protester. Some Christian he is. NOT!

    ANTIFA Wicomico hates cops.

    ANTIFA Wicomico Progressives hate cops.

    ANTIFA Wicomico Progressives hate ICE who are cops.

    ANTIFA Wicomico Progressives hate Blue Lives Matters.

    ANTIFA Wicomico Progressives celebrates the killing of cops.

    ANTIFA Wicomico Progressives hate white men.

    ANTIFA Wicomico includes Jamaad Gould, James Yamakawa, Amber Green, Jake Day, Jake Burdett, Jared Schablein, Earle Hatton, Rev. John Wright, Michele Gregory, Michael Feldman, Josh Hastings, Dan O'Hare and quite a few others. These are the ones that are dangerous because they are trying to take over county politics.

    Some of these idiots are running for office and no matter what your party is, Democrat or Republican, you would be foolish to vote for them. Although they are on the ticket as Democrats, they don't identify as Democrats, they identify are Progressives and they are talking about bringing civil war to the streets.

    ANTIFA Wicomico are Progressives NOT Democrats.

    The Progressives currently on the ballot for Wicomico County are:
    Ben Jealous - Governor
    Dan O'Hare - 37B House of Delegates
    Sheree Sample-Huges - 37A House of Delegates
    Carl Anderton, Jr. - 38B House of Delegates(Because of his love affair with Progressives)
    Jack Heath - County Executive. True Progressive, supported by Progressives
    Jamaad Gould - County Council at Large
    William R. McCain - County Council at Large
    Alexander W. Scott - County Council, District 2
    Michele Gregory - County Council, District 3
    Josh Hastings - County Council District 4
    W. Seth Mitchell - States Attorney
    These Democrat candidates on your ballot are not Democrats, they are members of the radical Lower Shore Progressive Caucus and they are trying to take over your Party. They are Dangerous and radical. If they were true Democrats then why did they start their own Progressive Party? Don't be a fool, do not vote for them!

    Do not vote for the Progressive Party!!


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