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Monday, July 02, 2018

2 Reasons Why the Media Will Drop Coverage of the Capital Gazette Shooting

On Thursday, four journalists and one staff member of the Capital Gazette were murdered in the newspaper’s Annapolis, Maryland, office.

While the event was initially widely covered by all major news outlets, the media is likely to quickly move on from the story, just like it did with the Santa Fe High School shooting, because it doesn’t fit the right narrative. (Unlike many of the Parkland students, the Santa Fe students didn’t respond to the tragedy by calling for gun control measures.)

That in itself is a shame, not just because there is much to learn from this tragedy, but also because the inspiring courage of the surviving journalists deserves more than a single news cycle.

Why It Will Go Away Quickly...


  1. 3 children in Chicago killed in drivebys in Chicago over the weekend. Black on black. Where is the outrage after all black lives matter. Another lie of the democrats. Black lives do not matter to democrats unless they can make it racial. Of course they will deny but that's because all democrats lie constantly. Nothing but the party of liars, violence, crude, vulgar the lowest form of life.

  2. Just ONE armed citizen in that office could have stopped him in his tracks, after his first shotgun blast through the front door. But Noooo, not in Maryland. This murderous whack job used a pump shotgun, the slowest weapon, other than a single shot weapon, to fire multiple rounds. After the first three shots, he had to reload another three shotgun shells, in order to resume firing. And those poor unarmed souls (thanks to MD anti-gun laws), had to crawl under their desks, while listening to him re-load, and wait for him to resume shooting. Thanks to Maryland for failing to allow law-abiding citizens to protect themselves in the workplace, or anywhere else, for that matter. THAT'S why you will hear little from our politicians and the MSM on this.

  3. Bottom line that paper knew that shooter was dangerous. They were the ones who refused to press harassment charges against him. They were the ones who didn't provide security for the staff. End of Story. Quite frankly the leftist Baltimore Sun is secretly happy this happened. It is something they can and are using to promote their agenda if if they dare deny this they are lying. We have the number of the democrat party and it's ugly, evil and disgusting.

  4. 12:47 the poor unarmed souls were unarmed because they chose to be. With the Sun's connections and the shooter constant threats anyone of them could have obtained a permit faster they you can say concealed carry. They didn't do it. They thought appeasement was the answer and didn't even press harassment charges against the shooter.

  5. Funny how they tried to make an issue with shotguns. Funny how they conveniently forgot that VP Joe Biden told Americans to go out and get a shotgun instead of a long rifle.

    Funny how they tried to fit the "pump" shotgun into the dangerous Assault Rifle narrative.

    Funny how that clown was trying to explain how a pump shotgun worked as he was fumbling with his statement on live TV.

    Funny how they forgot about 30 round magazines.

    Funny how Libtards are a bunch of idiots.

  6. ANTIFA Wicomico members were at the Worcester County Jail yesterday protesting ICE. The Reverend John Wright got arrested for trying to attack a counter-protester. Some Christian he is. NOT!

    ANTIFA Wicomico hates cops.

    ANTIFA Wicomico Progressives hate cops.

    ANTIFA Wicomico Progressives hate ICE who are cops.

    ANTIFA Wicomico Progressives hate Blue Lives Matters.

    ANTIFA Wicomico Progressives celebrates the killing of cops.

    ANTIFA Wicomico Progressives hate white men.

    ANTIFA Wicomico are the Progressive Party and it includes Jamaad Gould, James Yamakawa, Amber Green, Jake Day, Jake Burdett, Jared Schablein, Earle Hatton, Rev. John Wright, Michele Gregory, Michael Feldman, Josh Hastings, Dan O'Hare and quite a few others. These are the ones that are dangerous because they are trying to take over county politics.

    Some of these idiots are running for office and no matter what your party is, Democrat or Republican, you would be foolish to vote for them. Although they are on the ticket as Democrats, they don't identify as Democrats, they identify are Progressives and they are talking about bringing civil war to the streets.

    ANTIFA Wicomico are Progressives NOT Democrats.

    The Progressives currently on the ballot for Wicomico County are:
    Ben Jealous - Governor
    Dan O'Hare - 37B House of Delegates
    Sheree Sample-Huges - 37A House of Delegates
    Carl Anderton, Jr. - 38B House of Delegates(Because of his love affair with Progressives)
    Jack Heath - County Executive. True Progressive, supported by Progressives
    Jamaad Gould - County Council at Large
    William R. McCain - County Council at Large
    Alexander W. Scott - County Council, District 2
    Michele Gregory - County Council, District 3
    Josh Hastings - County Council District 4
    W. Seth Mitchell - States Attorney
    These Democrat candidates on your ballot are not Democrats, they are members of the radical Lower Shore Progressive Caucus and they are trying to take over your Party. They are Dangerous and radical. If they were true Democrats then why did they start their own Progressive Party? Don't be a fool, do not vote for them!

    Do not vote for the Progressive Party!!

  7. 2:43 I completely disagree. Never heard of a quick way to get a carry permit in Md. You find one please share.

  8. I agree with 4:48, and second the disagreement with 2:43.

    Thank you

  9. July 2, 2018 at 2:43 PM:

    There is no way for you to know what you profess to know. It is just an opinion about what you think, not what you know. Nothing could be farther from the truth in Maryland. You almost have to be shot at already before Maryland will even consider an application for concealed carry. And when the "threat" is no longer an active one, Maryland will not renew your permit, as it is a temporary one. Maryland wants it's citizens to die while they wait for a shooter to reload (and a good guy with a gun to show up).


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