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Thursday, July 26, 2018

More Gates Opened On Conowingo Dam, Port Deposit Issues Voluntary Evacuation

CONOWINGO, Md. (WJZ) — Nineteen cresting gates are now open on the Conowingo Dam and officials said more could open by the days end to help relieve pressure from the swollen Susquehanna River.

After days of heavy rain in the Baltimore metro region, several areas have seen flooding, but now residents of one low-lying town — Port Deposit — that sits just south of the Conowingo Dam are worried about their town flooding as more gates are opened.

Exelon expects to open at least 22 gates over the next 12 hours to deal with record water flow — which could be higher this weekend.

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  1. We must blame it on Trump. We must blame it on Trump. We must blame it on Trump. We must blame it on Trump. We must blame it on Trump. We must blame it on Trump. We must blame it on Trump. We must blame it on Trump. We must blame it on Trump. We must blame it on Trump. We must blame it on Trump. We must blame it on Trump. We must blame it on Trump. We must blame it on Trump. We must blame it on Trump. We must blame it on Trump.

  2. Well, there goes the Chesapeake Bay crabbing for the year, once all that fresh water gets flushed into the Bay.

  3. All of that fresh water (and much, much more) would run into the Bay if the dam wasn't there. Port Deposit would flood every year.

  4. All swalt up and nowhere to go.

  5. All the crap that is backed up because of this Dam will now be in the Bay...just what we need. I say blow up the Dam and be done with it.

  6. A massive amount of silt has built up behind the damn which should have been addressed long ago. But that would have cost Exelon lots of money and now they are going to pin the cost on us.

  7. Get ready boaters for all the crap floating down the bay from ny and pa


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