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Sunday, July 15, 2018

Monica Snee Sentenced To Five Years In Prison


  1. will the teacher's union be fighting for her to keep her benefits after release? I bet they will.

    1. Nope. Not about her job. She is on her own.

  2. Sounds like even the judges are on the take.....only 5 years for a big time school drug pusher? Pushing the deadliest drugs available killing our youth....only 5 years?!?!?! wtf!

    1. It was 20 years but the judges suspended all but 5. That's Maryland for you.

    2. Democrat dirtbag judges

    3. I thought on school property carried a stiffer sentence.

  3. A black person would have received more.

    1. Think the stats already prove otherwise but kudos on the troll

    2. I bet a black person would have gotten probation and still have there teaching job

    3. 726
      Under Obama yup.

  4. What a crock! Bet she won't even serve all of the five years. Maybe they should just let her go back to teaching and wear an ankle monitor like some other thugs at Parkside. She put many innocent children at risk.

  5. Don't forget the teachers and staff who may well have been her customers. They should have had a mandatory drug test for the whole teaching staff and administration on the day she was arrested.

  6. Really? She got off easy!

  7. So I see the state is still taking care of their girl.. she will be out in 2... Shame on all of you guys that work for the main street hoods.. she tell on enough people for you guys? K S she's your buddy.. SHAME ON ALL OF YOU.. the story just started.. it's time..

  8. We teachers need more pay so that we don't need to sell drugs to pay our bills. The stupid Supreme Court overturned the law that forced non-Democrat/Union Government employees to subsidize our Unions by making them pay the dues to our Unions. How fair can that be? Now, these employees that no longer have to pay dues to our unions will not help union members get more benefits. They don't care because it won't affect them. No fair!

    1. Yes but not to kids she is crazy so please next time u see or hear of someone stealing food or something from Wal-Mart don't judge they needed to feed their family I can understand that but an educator who supposedly enter this line of work cause she loves kids n wanted to make a difference in their lives nah she needs to do a lot of time

  9. ALL that hoopla about cracking down on the heroin epidemic and you hardly hurt this poison pusher {located in a school to boot!!!}
    Leah Seaton...your no better than this trashy child killer!!

  10. Black kids with just a couple grams get way more time then this

  11. The judge did what she could without going over the top.

    1. That's bull. Then why go over the top on something smaller then that. People with less have gotten. It all in who u know in the court system.

  12. Good conduct in prison is 10 days off a month of sentence

    Going to school while in prison another 5 days off a month of sentence

    Working in prison takes another 5 days off a month of sentence

    So, in reality....if she does above she only does 10 days a month on sentence

    Reason she gets out much earlier than 5 years.

  13. Absolutely ridiculous!!! Sentence definitely should have been much longer due to it being on school property, let alone being a teacher!

  14. Liberal judges at it again!

  15. Bad thing is, jails are so over populates, if it's not a violent crime, ya sentence is cut in half automatically. So she will be out in two and half years.... How sad!

    1. Jails are just an extension of the welfare system

      Reason so many blacks are there

      3 hots and a cot

      No bills to pay for

  16. 6:40 quit then. Most of you so called "teachers" are as dumb as a box of rocks anyway. It's a joke how easy it is anymore to get a doctorate in education much less just a 4 year degree from one of our completely dumbed down public colleges and universities.

  17. Great job by the investigators. Laughable job by the prosecutor and judge. Crime really does pay. “It’s her first offense....”. Who gives a crap!! I think Dykes just sealed her fate. Make an argument for cryin out loud!

  18. Thats Jamie Dykes for ya. Bet you can't wait to getcha some more of that

  19. She will be out in 2.. She will get a teaching "job" in Jessup. She got to lie and helped send a man to prison for 3 1/2 years. The dropped the charges were dropped. The main street hoods aka state attorneys office took care of their girl. When we vote, we should remember this drug dealer and those who took care of her. BUT, when there is a all in the family gang running these parts, what can you say that really matters

  20. Try reading the press release. It was a plea deal with the state's attorney. The judge followed (accepted) the state's attorney's deal with the defendant. If you look a previous cases, judge Eating Seaton has hand down some stiff sentences.

  21. The "Justice Reinvestment Act" reinvented sentencing guidelines--thank JRA...not only will she get out after possibly serving only 25% of her sentence, the JRA will give her "credit" towards her probation as well, so she could be abated way early--complain to the Governor for signing that piece of crap legislation! And it makes it way harder to violate her probation too...

  22. She'd be a good woman for crazy George records.

  23. Sorry people a first offense for distribution this sentence was fair. Also their was no evidence that she was selling to students. Maybe if you people raised your own children better there would not be drug dealers. Stop blaming the dealers for your children's weakness. No one told your kid to use drugs they chose it. Typical talking about "Child killers" really that is like blaming gun manufactures for mass shootings. She did the crime she needs to do the time. The judges know these dealers are in the business because of supply and demand. America has more people in jail than anywhere else in the world. We have the highest murder rates, the biggest drug consumption in the world. Maybe we are doing something wrong. All these school shootings. Something is broken and stacking bodies in jail just does not seem to be working. Billions spent on housing inmates. It is simple incarceration for profit. People got rich and it wasn't you and I.

  24. Just sentence for a non-violent act ! If our government wanted to stop the flow of dope they could. Spend time with your children KNOW what they are doing. If we get rid of the market it will stop. America land of the pill popping legal and the opoid crisis. Anyone wonder why. Every other commercial is drug related. Dope is big business. Way to many politicians have their hand out. Hand all the judges and politicians that would be a start.


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