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Wednesday, July 25, 2018


I just learned that the local Hotel/Motels are NOWHERE near booked for the Folk Festival. In fact, they have planned for additional housing and not one room has been reserved/booked.

Day claimed there'd be some 300,000 people attending. Recently that number dropped to 30,000. ANYONE truly interested in attending this event would've easily contacted the numerous options and those roomed would say no vacancy 5 weeks before the event.

The event is clearly a flop before it starts.

I also learned today that GUESS WHAT, the event that happened the past three years in the Carolina's will be going the exact same dates as the Salisbury Festival.

It turns out they plan the event for let's say Salisbury for 3 years. When the 3 years is up the City takes over the event. HOWEVER, every single city across America who hosted this event in the past will be competing with each other from here on out.

So the 300,000 people BS is just that, complete BS. Jake Day and his Staff have been BS'ing everyone all this time. People will NOT be coming from the Carolina's or ANY other place this event has been held and remember, they ALL host the same event on the exact same dates. It's NO WONDER Day and his group can't seem to BOOK any real talent for the event as well. They're ALL booked at other locations.

This whole thing is turning out to be a joke. It's no wonder most local businesses want nothing to do with the event.


  1. But but but where are the Jake day Snowflakes going to sleep ? Maybe Day/ Ireton can open up there homes to there cupcake Snowflakes.

  2. Gangs are not going to be happy

  3. Sorry Joe,
    I'm not buying your article.
    If what you write is true (it simply cannot be true) then the Mayor and his Staff are complete idiots. There is no way they are that stupid. I'm just not buying it. No way.

    1. It is absolutely correct. Google Greensboro NC folk festival and you can see for yourself " North Carolina folk festival September 7-9. Read it and weep people you've been "jaked-off"

    2. so you cant use Google on your enlarged computer and you cant believe cause msm and facebook doesnt say so

  4. Suggested donation is $10 per person per day.

    They want a family of 4 to pay $40 for a FREE festival? WTH.

  5. Well with the ampitheater built at least the bums, panhandlers, and drug addicts will now have a place to sleep.

  6. FREE parking and FREE shuttles, are available from the Wicomico Youth & Civic Center for your convenience. The shuttle stop at the Festival will be located at Church Street and Mill Street.

    WHAT? Dropping people on Church St and Mill St when the festival is in the Rt 13 and downtown area? Maybe we can get us some drugs before we hit the festival!!

    How spread out is this fiasco?

  7. A Festival Map with stage locations, food and beverage locations, amenities, and info / first aid stations will be posted online in August.

    How about a schedule of events. No mention of a schedule of the band line up and which stage. I am not really interested in throat singing, puppets, tap dancing or jump roping and if I am paying $10 to go to a FREE festival I would prefer choosing what I see.

  8. The time and taxpayers' money that's already been wasted on this fiasco is sickening.

  9. Hotels.com

    Salisbury MD, two night stay for Sept 7 & 8.

    32% of rooms are booked. 68% available. Prices reduced at almost every hotel.

    In the area, only sell out is a four-bedroom B&B in Princess Anne.

    Only six & half weeks till folk festival. This is not looking good.

  10. How could you possibly plan a visit when there is no schedule of events

  11. Randy Day you must be proud!! Just when you thought you had rid Perdue farms of this freak show he goes and pulls a stunt like this. Guess you'll have to create a new position for him or make him go full time as a military screw up

  12. 3:13, It is true, period. I can't believe you people aren't catching on to how the National Folk Festival that has been held in numerous other communities will be holding the same event on the exact same dates. That's a major blow to all the BS Jake Day impressed upon everyone, being a "NATIONAL" event. They mislead the public making them believe it went from North Carolina to Salisbury and all those 300,000 people will be coming to Salisbury this year. NOT TRUE. In fact, they're not showing you the acts playing because, (more then likely) they'll be playing in North Carolina. Hence why so many Rap Groups will be playing here instead. Call it what it really is then, A THUG FEST.

    1. Wait till the dabury thugs start robbing these innocent Snowflakes lolol.

  13. North Carolina folk festival @ wait for it, last year's national folk festival host Greensboro NC September 7-9 2018

  14. about 20 hours of festival and 3 stages = 60 acts
    about 30 actual bands actually booked, which means they are playing twice?

    With an average of $175 - $200 a night for a room to see the same acts twice? No thank you. And for that price I would rather go to OC and look at the ocean. OC Days Inn Oceanfront has more stars and is the same price as some crap room here.

  15. 3:13, I have bad news for you.

    Yeah, idiots.

  16. Jake day flat out absolutely lied about all of this and literally is bankrupting salisbury with his ridiculous liberal social agendas and giving unnecessary contracts to his friends for work salisbury doesn't need.

  17. This would make an excellent Simpsons episode.

  18. Joe - did you see this??


    list home many volunteer spots not filled and oddly it adds up to more than 800 and why is the unitedway involved?

  19. https://ncfolkfestival.com/

    see for yourselves people

  20. Bucket Brigade - looks like no one wants to go out and beg for money

    Sep 7, 2018 @ 5:30pm 2.50 hours 1 of 5
    Sep 7, 2018 @ 5:30pm 5.00 hours 44 of 45
    Sep 7, 2018 @ 7:30pm 3.00 hours 4 of 5
    Sep 8, 2018 @ 11:30am 3.00 hours 5 of 5
    Sep 8, 2018 @ 11:30am 4.00 hours 44 of 45
    Sep 8, 2018 @ 2:00pm 3.00 hours 5 of 5
    Sep 8, 2018 @ 3:00pm 4.00 hours 45 of 45
    Sep 8, 2018 @ 4:30pm 3.00 hours 3 of 5
    Sep 8, 2018 @ 6:30pm 4.00 hours 45 of 45
    Sep 8, 2018 @ 7:00pm 3.50 hours 5 of 5

  21. Bucket Begging

    On Sat the 8th they want 155 people a day to be out there begging for money

  22. https://ncfolkfestival.com/event-info/. Joe's not lying about Greensboro holding their festival on the same weekend. It's just now called the North Carolina instead of the National. Performer list doesn't look great there either. And they pass the bucket around for donations as well at this FREE event.

  23. From looking things up a lot of places that have hosted the national folk festival have started there own festivals on or around the same time. NC was last year and most likely will have another good year on the same date as Salisburys just saying. An event like this should have been in the works for the last 2 years to get the size of 300000 people with good acts.

  24. Raw materials for stages have not been aquired yet...

  25. How about that count down on the Beautiful downtown sham! It's another bad JOKE! Jake "The Snake" Day is flushing the City of Salisbury down the sewer and we don't even have a working sewage plant to clean it up! What a joke! Jake is a pink hat wearing,Socialist pus#y and the citizens of Salisbury have brought this down on themselves by not electing someone with the guts to stop all this nonsense and get Salisbury back on the right track.

  26. I'am leaving for a few days to get away from that thugfest.

    1. Better take your valuables with you.

  27. Jim Mathias is filling in here. Event goers can simply stay at an OC hotel and drive to Salisbury.

    Fact check: Did Mathias drop out ?

  28. The "trash" volunteers have to pick thru the garbage to pick out the recycling, according to the "job description".

    Are they supplying hazmat suits? You want me to pick thru shitty diapers to find a stray water bottle? I dont think so.

  29. Can you imagine the quality of "volunteers" their going to get filling these vacant time slots at the last minute?? I'm SURE all the cash donations will arrive to the proper destination.

  30. So from what I'm reading is Jake day and the city of salibury's ultimate objective to host the national folk festival 3 years and then transition into it's own salisbury folk festival in years to come? From the sound of things that's what the previous hosts did. So Jake day lied about this as well and his initial BS sales pitch was to host the NFF, did he mention at all he plans on committing salisbury a yearly folk festival

  31. Joe

    Help me get my head around something here. Didn't Jake pay a lot of money to sign up for 3 years of being the "National" Folk Festival with some sort of $10m fine each year for failing or backing out? Who is collecting this money while North Clinky is allowed to be in direct competition on the same weekend? Shouldn't they have a "Non Compete" clause once they're done and over? If not, what on earth did Jake waste our money on when NC has a customer following and we have nothing, not even a schedule of events that people could read so they can make timely airplane & hotel reservations.

    Why pay money to an outside source when all the costs, planning and workers are on the City? What did we get for the money paid out?

  32. OMG, that's how that pathetic twerp boy mayor came up with 300k people. It is every single city combined.

  33. 9:40 PM Honey lets put it all in perspective.

    First the city stopped the 4th of July fireworks for its citizens. Thats how much we mattered. Now a private entity does it for us.

    Then the Salisbury festival ended up being a chicken BBQ in the mall parking lot. Because no one attended and the thugs showed up.

    I guess Jake doesn't look in to historical data before he makes these decisions. So this too wont last long.

    Sadly this community is clueless and obviously have rarely traveled past the county line, maybe venturing in to OC on occasion and this includes Day. If they had, they would have realized from the get go that this was a lose lose situation as most of the smaller communities that tried to pull this off have gone in to debt by year 3 and have had great difficulty continuing the festival tradition.
    I could be you $$ that no one working on this has actually ever attended a real music festival.

  34. Volunteer Snowflakes lol perfect now they are easy too point out I pink pussy hats with neon vests on.

  35. Joe look at this Jake Day Bullsh!t. Evidence that the local media is either ignorant or constantly protecting the wannabe leaders of the City of Salisbury.

    New wastewater treatment plant improving local water quality
    By: Dani Bozzini
    Posted: July 25, 2018 06:05 PM EDT

    Updated: July 25, 2018 09:09 PM EDT

    Wastewater treatment plant improving local water quality

    SALISBURY, Md - Since Salisbury's new Wastewater Treatment Plant was brought online, they're coming in well under the mandated minimums for nitrogen and phosphorous every month

    Over the past three years, Salisbury has been working on upgrading its wastewater treatment plant, a $64 million plant that is showing the nutrient reduction levels they've been striving for.

    With the new system, the city says they're experiencing a nearly 90 percent reduction in nitrogen levels. It's sign that the water is a lot healthier than it used to be.

    "This upgrade took nutrients out of what we're putting into the Wicomico River and it significantly reduced the amount of nutrients so that's helping the Bay and the Bay health," explains Amanda Pollack, Director for Salisbury's Dept. of Infrastructure and Development.

    The phosphorous levels in the water are also down nearly 50 percent.

  36. I agree Joe, it's going to be nothing but a Thugfest just like the Salisbury Festival.

  37. Does anyone remember when the Salisbury Festival was the Salisbury Dogwood Festival to celebrate the beautiful Dogwood trees in Salisbury?

    What happened to that? I can venture an intelligent hypothesis. Democrats! The Democrats changed it and ruined it.

    The Democrats were apparently not environmentalist and I am surprised they stood by and did nothing as the honor of our Dogwoods disappeared.

    Then they started bringing in the black bands. Then the young black thugs started showind up in packs and each year it got worse. The young thugs started attacking blacks.

    I kept telling members of the city council that it was the black bands that were bringing in the wrong element and they were the ones ruining our Dogwood Festival.

    It kept getting worse so my family and I quit attending. Then other families got wise and quit attended when people were realizing that the black gangs were constant asking whites for money and then ganging up in front of the.

    Then guess what, it ended. Then some dumb group brought is back and made it gang friendly again.

    Memo to all out of towners who thing you are coming to a free festival. Guess what? You will be hounded mulitple times a day for a $10 per day donation to attend a FREE concert. That isn't fake news. The fake news is the Free part.

    Then your entertainment will be watching black bands and black rappers.

    Your next entertainment will be Daddy and Mommy getting beat up by the black thugs that live in the City of Salisbury. Not only are they black and live in Salisbury they have guns and they have been known to shoot and kill This is not fake news. The is Fact News.

    The Democrat leadership in Salisbury has ruined everything in Salisbury and Wicomico County.

  38. Anonymous Steve said...

    Help me get my head around something here. Didn't Jake pay a lot of money to sign up for 3 years of being the "National" Folk Festival with some sort of $10m fine each year for failing or backing out? Who is collecting this money while North Clinky is allowed to be in direct competition on the same weekend? Shouldn't they have a "Non Compete" clause once they're done and over? If not, what on earth did Jake waste our money on when NC has a customer following and we have nothing, not even a schedule of events that people could read so they can make timely airplane & hotel reservations.

    Why pay money to an outside source when all the costs, planning and workers are on the City? What did we get for the money paid out?

    July 25, 2018 at 9:42 PM

    I was going to ask the same thing about the "No Compete" Clause but you beat me to it. Good question. Was there? Is there? Looks like Boy Mayor with the jacked up thumb sucking teeth got hoodwinked.

  39. Mayor was on the radio the other day, talking about how this event will generate tens of millions of dollars for this area.....hmmm

  40. My question is how in God's name can Randy Day just sit back and support his idiotic son to vontcont to run salisbury in the ground? What would happen if he ran Purdue farms the way his son is doing our city?

  41. @ 4:30 lmao at the " jaked - off " term! I'll be using it from now on! It is perfect for him!

  42. Take note that Jack Heath fully supports this nonsense and waste of public funds, and also tripling the mayor's salary.

    He wants to be the Wicomico County Executive, too, and it looks like the Greater Salisbury Committee is supporting him!

    Voter Beware.

  43. family visiting in Florida checked on room rates for that period & they averaged over 200 bucks a night. I wouldn't rent an entire motel for that.

  44. 9:40- You are correct. It's one thing to commit us to a festival that may or may not work 1 year- Jake has committed us to something that will be here forever. I don't really remember anyone asking for this, do you? So, instead of focusing on the small things that we do well, like the poodle convention and the girls softball thing- and making those stronger and better and maybe attracting other small and easily manageable events- Jake goes and throws this junk in our lap.

  45. 8:15,

    Make that "Jackeroo" Heath, the village wiseguy.

  46. My wife works for the city and it's a full court press on all employees to push the folks festival on all their social media.
    While it's not panic mode (yet) upper-level staff have been asking, hinting, suggesting they all ask for the publics help.

  47. How does one bring articles of impeachment or a recall of the mayor. Seems to be the right way to handle this mess.

  48. I'll be folked if I am going to this thug magnet.

  49. Salisbury congratulations on your having a frat boy mayor and all his inconpeinco and immature business decisions for your city

  50. Anonymous said...

    Make that "Jackeroo" Heath, the village wiseguy.

    July 26, 2018 at 10:44 AM

    That should be "village goofball".

  51. It's time to retire this as a "featured post"!


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