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Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Bipartisan Coalition of Attorneys General Urge Congressional Leaders to Protect the Integrity of America’s Voting Systems

BALTIMORE, MD – Maryland Attorney General Brian E. Frosh today joined a bipartisan coalition of 21 Attorneys General in urging congressional leaders to improve America’s cyber security and protect the integrity upcoming elections against cyberattacks and
infiltrations like the ones committed by Russia in 2016. The latest investigations into that attack shows Russian hackers targeted the American electoral system, stole the private information of
hundreds of thousands of people, and infiltrated a company that supplies voting software across the nation, putting the upcoming election at serious risk.

“We know that Russians hacked our election systems in 2016 and stole sensitive voter information,” said Attorney General Frosh. “States are taking steps to protect their infrastructure, but we need help from the federal government. Our Congressional leaders must
act swiftly to prevent further interference and to protect the integrity of upcoming elections.”

Read more in the full press release:http://www.marylandattorneygeneral.gov/press/2018/072318.pdf


  1. "And I would have gotten away with it, too, if not for those meddling kids and that dog!" -- Scooby Doo
    All the more effort to push the narrative that Trump won because of Russian meddling. It has nothing to do that Hillary was a corrupt, horrible candidate and that many voters saw through the MSM smoke screen.
    Not sure about you, but the Russian's had absolutely zero affect on my decision.
    The real meddling that the attorney generals' should be looking into is from the CIA and FBI. It's going to make a great real-life Scooby Doo mystery movie one day.

  2. Frosh couldn't find his nose in the dark. Just another damning Demmy.

  3. Russians my ads. Did not happen!@

  4. I wonder how many other States have annointed their Elections Directors FOR LIFE?

  5. Who is paying Frosh salary? Frosh is not working for the betterment of Marylanders, since he is always joining other Attorney Generals instead of working for Marylanders. Who do the MD Tax payers sue to be reimbursed for Frosh salary and benefits?

  6. Is Frosh pushing for voter ID to protect the "integrity" of the elections??


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