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Sunday, July 22, 2018

Hoyer: Trump committed 'treason' in Helsinki

House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) on Tuesday accused President Trump of committing treason during the president's meeting a day earlier with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Helsinki.

“I agree with John Brennan, who said that it was nothing short of treasonous,” Hoyer told reporters in the Capitol, referring to the former CIA director.

“It is the duty of every patriot who loves their country to stand up and speak out against this dangerous and dishonest behavior,” he added. “The emperor has no clothes, no ethics, no integrity, no common sense.”


  1. Ha ha ha

    Democrats are running scared

    Putin has evidence on Hillary...that exposes the CIA, F.B.I. and a bunch on Capital Hill

    They are scared

    1. In all seriousness, what are you even talking about?

    2. Dont do drugs, kids

  2. And Hillary didn't?
    Steny shut up and sit down, your Democratic butt is showing!

  3. Hard to believe Hoyer is from Maryland. He is a moon bat and sounds like he is a loon from California (a la Maxine Waters, Nancy Pelosi, and Jerry Brown). Needs to crawl back under his rock.

    1. What's hard to believe? Maryland is Moonbat country east.

  4. Then hoyer needs to sit down and shutup. He is far from a patriot. He commits treason everyday he goes to work. Im sick of the commies running there traps. They lie and deceive constantly

  5. Crock from a crock.

  6. 6:27,
    No it's not. MD is pretty firmly in the moon bat camp with the exception of the Eastern Shore and the far western counties.

    Heavily populated Baltimore and the MD areas surrounding DC are firmly moon bat.

    1. Lol funny how the Eastern Shore and Western counties are the most riddled with heroin and unemployment with the exception of Balt. City...

  7. Friends don't let friends vote for Hoyer.

  8. I knew Steny way back when he was in the Maryland legislature. He was super smart on how to get votes and just didn't give a damn about anything else, as long as it benefitted him. That was forty years ago and he hasn't changed a bit.

  9. Does anyone want to talk about the article?

    The accusation here is that Mr Trump is un-American for exposing the corruption within the US Government.
    Furthermore, Mr. Trump is asking Russia to assist with the draining of the US swamp.

    This is a huge development (no pun intended).

    Many people are realizing (slowly) that Mr Putin and his Christian Nation may be the last best hope to reign in the out of control evil US Government. Obviously, Mr Trump cannot fight the swamp dwellers by himself. He needs an ally. Perhaps Mr Putin is that ally?

    What say you guys?

    1. Are you insane? Have you completely lost your mind? You want RUSSIA to be involved with our government?

      What corruption did he expose that the Russians would be able to help us with? Are you aware that a Russian national has been held under espionage charges? Infiltrated the GOP and NRA.

      You want Putin, a man who systematically starves and kills all who oppose him to "help" us?Have you lost your mind? I really hope you're trolling, otherwise I would like you to tell me how this is a good idea

    2. I think 1025 drank too much of the kool aid this morning..

    3. Please dont reproduce 1025

  10. All you liberal socialist love the traitor Steny Hoyer. He does nothing for Marylanders. Maryland is the East Coast version of California. As for as the drugs and unemployment comment, They put all the prisons in these 2 areas and then the convicts stay instead of going back to Baltimore and central / southern MD. They practice the same criminal actions in that area. Why do you not see any prisons in Prince Georges / St Marys Counties. The Politians want them as for away from their homes as possible.

  11. Will Hoyer be the first to fire a shot? treason is punishable by death. He probably doesnt even realize what he saying to do. Its a talking point that he has to repeat anytime a reporter asks him about it.


  12. Steny Hoyer sounds like a social disease. Best to avoid contact.

  13. Hoyer is crazy...haven't used this word in many years, but honestly can't think of a better one to use. He can't know what treason means or he wouldn't have said it. Ignorant.

  14. so how is maryland doing? oh that`s right they are one of the smallest states in the union but rank in the top ten as far as taxes, so what are you marylanders doing with all that tax money, Mr hoyer???

  15. Run this jerk out of Maryland.

    Trump/Pence 2020!!


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