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Monday, July 16, 2018

Former DNC Chair Brazile: DNC Allowed Russian Hackers to Steal Data

Rod Rosenstein and Robert Mueller indicted 12 Russian military officials days before President Trump’s meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Rosenstein also planned his press conference at the same time President Trump was meeting with the Queen of England.

With the 12 Russians indicted Friday, the corrupt Mueller team has now indicted 31 individuals and 3 companies, with more than 80% of the indictments related to Russians who will never be prosecuted.
But dirty cop Rosenstein forgot to mention the DNC allowed the Russians to infiltrate their servers.

In her 2017 book, “Hacks: The Inside Story of the Break-ins and Breakdowns that Put Donald Trump in the White House,” Democrat operative Donna Brazile admitted the DNC allowed alleged Russian hackers to steal datafrom the party’s servers.

Donna Brazile says in her new book the Democratic National Committee (DNC) went against professional advice and sat idly for a month while Russians stole data because primaries were still underway in a number of states.

In May, when CrowdStrike recommended that we take down our system and rebuild it, the DNC told them to wait a month, because the state primaries for the presidential election were still underway, and the party and the staff needed to be at their computers to manage these efforts,” Brazile wrote in her new book, “Hacks.”



  1. Anyone remember that Podesta’s password was “password“?

  2. All the hack of the DNC did was expose them for what POS people they are! Look how they screwed over Bernie, a kinda one of their own!


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