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Friday, July 20, 2018

Distinguishing Civil War from Social Anarchy

The antics of the left since the 2016 election have proven beyond any doubt that leftists are not going to give up their agenda quietly. Their street activists have shown themselves more than willing to engage in violence – creating a mob to evict a Trump rally from Chicago even before the election, beating up Trump-supporters on numerous occasions, and threatening members of the administration in public. Leftist-dominated universities have long had the habit of lionizing 1960s and '70s domestic terrorists – in some cases granting them professorships.

Also worth mentioning are various "lone wolf" assassinations and attempted assassinations almost certainly inspired by leftist rhetoric, notably a string of police killings by the Black Lives Matter movement and the shooting of Republican House whip Steve Scalise. Antifa is no more a "protest organization" than Mussolini's blackshirts were. Assaulting people in the streets doesn't normally fit under the constitutional rubric of "free speech." Antifa's goal is to influence politics by creating fear of bodily harm among its opponents. That is the very definition of terrorism.

Nevertheless, mob violence and even political assassination still fall far short of an actual civil war. In the increasing volatile and dangerous atmosphere of our time, we cannot lose our heads. We must, despite provocations, do our best to understand clearly what is happening around us.



  1. There is no doubt about it and it is fully understood. Something will happen and the fuse will be lit. Just a matter of time before one of these nut jobs goes to far.

  2. Just look at the libs these days. Public burning of the US flag, supporting illegal immigrants who have crime histories, and now a lib running for congress in PA who believes a woman should only be allowed to have two children and any more would cause her to be taxed "to the hilt". A big supporter of Planned Parenthood whose founder was a racist democrat, by the way. Hopefully more true Americans will stand up to these socialist commies before it is too late. They are energized with anger toward Trump and conservatives so don't underestimate their power to gain more support toward the election this fall.

  3. Dissolve the democratic party. I am ok with a one party system at this point.


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