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Friday, July 20, 2018

Citizenship Is No Longer Required to Vote in San Francisco School Board Elections

Noncitizens can vote in San Francisco’s Board of Education elections after the city’s Department of Elections ruled Monday to do away with citizenship requirements.

Noncitizens seeking to vote in San Francisco’s Board of Education elections must be at least 18 years old and residents of the city, CBS SF Bay Area reported Monday. They must also be parents, caregivers, or legal guardians of children under 19 years old who reside in the city.

Those serving time for a felony conviction, as well as those persons on parole for a felony, cannot vote in the city’s Board of Education elections. Those deemed by the court to be mentally incompetent are also barred from voting in the elections.

The new requirement comes after San Francisco voters passed local Proposition N, allowing noncitizens to vote in education elections. The proposal passed 54 percent to 46 percent and will continue taking effect until 2022, wherein the Board of Supervisors will have to decide whether to preserve or abandon the law.

Up until the 1920s, a number of states, cities, and municipalities allowed noncitizens to vote in elections as long as they were residents of that city, state, or municipality.



  1. The ONLY reason they allow this is for Democrat voters - that want to continue getting free stuff!

    This is the hypocrisy of the left - they'll witch-hunt president Trump for the Democrat-based Russian collusion...all while saying "we can't allow foreign interference in our elections". This is foreign interference in our elections!

  2. Moon bats all. Tucker Carlson pointed out the outrage of Putin "meddling" in the 2016 elections (Putin is a non citizen of the U.S.), but San Francisco is okay with non U.S. citizens voting...moon bats all.

  3. How can you be a noncitizen but yet be considered residents of that city, state, or municipality?

  4. Felons can't vote, but illegals can??

  5. Anything for a vote, huh democrats. Going against your fellow Americans and breaking America's laws to get those votes does not even bother you.


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