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Saturday, July 07, 2018

Democrats ask taxpayers to pay for Congress' feminine hygiene supplies

Two Democratic members of Congress demanded this week that the U.S. House declare feminine hygiene products to be office supplies that can be reimbursed at taxpayers’ expense.

Reps. Grace Meng and Sean Patrick Maloney, both New York Democrats, said the House should provide the products free of charge in all common bathrooms, and should reimburse offices that buy them.

They said the products should be treated the same as toilet paper or paper towels.

“Feminine hygiene products are a basic and essential need for women,” Ms. Meng said. “All women deserve access to them and that includes women who visit and work on Capitol Hill. It is time for the House to make these necessary items more accessible to women.”

The two lawmakers wrote a letter Thursday to House Speaker Paul D. Ryan asking him to approve the funds after the House last week denied Mr. Maloney’s reimbursement request.

More here


  1. They DEMANDED did they? Well, we’ll see what that does for them

  2. You know how some people steal rolls of toilet paper from public toilets?

  3. so one size fits all

  4. I think they make enough to buy the items they need to be comfortable.

  5. don"t most women - outside the D.C. beltway, at least- purchase their own?? I know I've had to carry my wife's hygiene products for her at special events when she didn't want to carry a purse, so i know public restrooms don't supply them.
    These members of Congress want everything given to them.They act like aristocracy.

  6. "Congress" - the epitome of entitlement. Let them eat cake!

  7. They make $170,000 a yr are you serious.

  8. They are aristocracy, and serve their masters who take care of them at taxpayers expense

  9. And make sure we have a choice! Not all women prefer the same kind you know.

  10. The "bullies" keep expecting more. Shows how out of touch the Democrats are and how they feel they are the elite. Benefits should be taken from them instead of them getting more. They are the 1%. This proves they are invoking another civil war and gives them another reason in their mind to try and take away the 2nd amendment and our weapons.

  11. Two more Democrats looking for some name exposure, any name exposure.

  12. So I take it one is named Massengill Waters ?

  13. These items will be out the front door in minutes so that they can supply their friends and family with these items.

  14. Bring back the French guillotinas


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