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Saturday, July 07, 2018

200 Black Female Leaders Play Race Card – Demand DNC Defend Maxine Waters and Her Calls to Harass Conservatives

Popular Democrat mouthpiece Maxine Waters threatened Republicans with mob violence and abuse the past two weeks.
Maxine made the comments both in public speeches and on TV.

However, Democrat leaders Senator Chuck Schumer and Rep. Nancy Pelosi were not supportive and condemned Maxine’s calls for harassment and abuse.

Maxine Waters went after Schumer and Pelosi on MSNBC for not supporting her calls abusing Republicans.
Waters joined Joy Reid last Sunday.



  1. Ummmmm......no...... the woman was wrong and needs to first be censured and then removed from office due to her inflammatory and irresponsible conduct

  2. my mother always told me "consider the source"

  3. 200 black female leaders jump on the complicity train.

  4. Maxine needs to be in prison with Sharpton.


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