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Thursday, July 26, 2018

Delaware State Fair vendors ordered to remove Confederate flags

At least two Delaware State Fair vendors selling Confederate flags and items adorned with the divisive symbol were ordered Monday to remove those products from their inventory.

"We adopted a policy two years ago that bars our vendors from selling anything that can be found offensive," fair spokesman Danny Aguilar said. "The Confederate flag is specifically listed as an example."

Despite that policy, handkerchiefs, T-shirts, hats, belt buckles and blankets bearing the Confederate flag were being sold at vendor booths just inside the fair's main entrance and along the Midway.

Officials took action only after The News Journal asked about the fair's policy. A few Confederate flag items were still being sold by some vendors hours after Aguilar said the items would be removed.

"We don't go through every vendor's inventory but if it's hanging in the front of a stand, we should identify that and ask for it to be removed," Aguilar said. "Our staff is sweeping through them now and it takes a little while to do that."



  1. So what if I find the whole fair "offensive"? Do you just shut down the whole freaking show?

    In America, we have the First Amendment right to "be offensive", and others have the right to be offended and move along, refuse to purchase, change the channel or any other thing to get "de-offended".

    Go pound sand.

  2. Joe you should put this post up at 9 am

  3. DemocRATS want the ISIS flag up.

  4. Im offened my mexican and african flags attire it offends me. Are they going to ban that too? Ignorant fools

  5. The beginning of the END.

  6. Danny Aguilar said. "The Confederate flag is specifically listed as an example."

    WTF?? Who deemed our history offensive. I'm sure I can go through that fair and find crap that offends me and I'm pretty sure nothing will be done about it.

    These vendors should sue the Delaware State Fair.

  7. How many people have to be offended before something is removed? A majority or a vocal minority?

  8. Corn Dogs offend me. Not as much as Fried Dough, but still I'm offended.
    I'm offended by the degree of bad nutrition in those so-called "food" items that are made available to children that attend the State Fair.
    I'm also offended by women (and men) that wear too much perfume; rude people; screaming out-of-control kids; fat women in tight pants; men wearing wife-beater shirts.
    There's more, but that's enough for now.
    Please direct me to the Complaint Department so I can have them all removed and banned.

  9. Who gets to decide whats offensive ? That's a lot of power in the wrong hands.

  10. They should a Confederate festival around hear I bet it would be a lot more fun.

  11. They ought to tell anyone offended by the Confederate flag to stay away. People offended by an object are sick in the head and should be locked up in an insane asylum. They are a danger to others to let a little thing get to them.

  12. LOL too funny. A flag "offends" them because it reminds them of slavery but the mumble jumble garbage they call "music" doesn't. This so called music glorifies drug use, violence, gangs and is very disrespectful to women and is filled with foul and violent language and they don't utter a word. What a mixed up race. It's no wonder 1000's are getting their brains blown out by other blacks a year in this country and 10's of thousands more being victims of black on black violence. The real shame of it all is very few have the intelligence to realize just how stupid they truly are.

  13. This is how the govt does it you fools, piece by piece, step by step and you keep on LETTING THEM!!! Then what is more funny is, you then complain about the outcome, knowing damn well what it will be after these nut jobs get into office... But you still think it won't affect you, when it does and will... You people need to understand that mind set is what is ruining our country... Oh it doesn't bother me, it doesn't affect me, so why should I care, why should I bother helping you fight back and stand up against it... OH but I will complain no one is doing anything about it, I will complain about what the politicians I voted for are doing becasue I didn't give a damn enough to research or investigate the lies they spewed to me while running for office!!!!

    Yeah that sound just like you people!!!!!

  14. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    They ought to tell anyone offended by the Confederate flag to stay away. People offended by an object are sick in the head and should be locked up in an insane asylum. They are a danger to others to let a little thing get to them.

    July 27, 2018 at 7:27 AM

    I was thinking similarly. As such, I won't be going to the fair. I like to decide for myself what is offensive to me. Even then I wouldn't deprive someone of selling his wares or anyone purchasing said items. Too many babysitters in the world esp gov't.

  15. Will not attend another Delaware State Fair. I also speak for a large group of my friends. That means no more slots etc held there.

  16. Cancelled my plans to attend .This is BS. People should display anyway. What can they really do! Nothing

  17. How long before the American Flag is banned by people that feel the flag glorifies our much-divided participation in the VIETNAM war?
    I see no difference.
    Remember the display of the flag by those opposing the war that had a "peace sign" where the stars occupy the flag?
    THAT would be the flag they would want to replace the current one with.
    North - South. Peace-niks - war mongers.
    It's not that far-fetched that it could possibly happen one day....

  18. Changing my plans. Will not attend.

  19. We used to be free


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